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CrazyMarc666 is an inactive German YouTube channel that uploads horror-based videos that only contain screamers.

The visual of the screamer has a night vision effect applied on the footage, depicting a cameraman entering inside the buildings, as well as a big tunnel or an abandoned apartment, with an animated figure appears on the very end as soon as the cameraman goes inside of it. In the concluding scene of the video, as the camera captures a man walking indoors, an animated figure suddenly materializes and startles the viewer with a loud scream. This unsettling moment is then intensified by the appearance of another frightening image accompanied by yet another piercing scream.

After uploading these videos, the creator received a lot of complaints from their viewers, despite "scary" being in the title, and a scary image showing the screamer part as the thumbnail. Because of this, some of the videos were deleted, there are some screamers that CrazyMarc have created disregarding the night vision videos, Most of these video titles were extremely long, and the creator hasn't uploaded anything for a few years.

The most popular video that the creator has uploaded, accumulating over 7 million views, is called "Scary pop up that will make you jump and cry. World BEST SCREAMER !", the video depicts a cameraman walking through an abandoned place, of what appears to be hotel, or apartment. After getting closer, a figure quickly walks up to the camera and the face is revealed to be a horrific demon woman who utters a bone-chilling shriek.

Nothing else happens after the screamer; the rest is simply frozen footage of the room. The uploader came back and posted a comment on this particular video, which is a link that leads the viewer to a german horror site filled with screamers.[1]


  • Most Shocking Scary Pop Up: The video shows a night-vision video of a sewer tunnel, with a faint heartbeat that can be heard in the background. At the 17 second mark, a faint white blob floats in from the corner, and a while later, the blob turns into a female zombie that runs towards the screen and roars loudly.
  • Erschreck dich nicht: (Translated to "Do not Be Afraid"), shows a cameraman in night-vision taken from inside someone's bathroom, the camera is facing towards the door. At the 17 second mark, a ghost butler is seen walking towards the door. As it swings open, the ghost butler walks through the doorway, which is when a girl with bloodshot eyes, pale skin, and fangs run to the camera and yells loudly. The scream is taken from the What's Wrong? screamer.
  • SCARY POP UP - SCARY GHOST VIDEO !!: Just like the the video mentioned previously, it also starts off night-vision. This setting takes place inside a room with nothing but a door and windows while scary music plays. After a while, a ghastly looking figure walks outside the door and enters the room, then at the 15 second point, a zombie pops up with a very loud screaming sound while thunder strikes. Afterwards, the zombie disappears, and at the end, there is a text that says "MADE BY CrazyMarc666".
  • Scary Pop Up: - The video starts with a night-vision recording of a cameraman walking through an abandoned hotel consisting of light bulbs hanging from the ceiling. After a while, he takes a turn and starts to go up some stairs. As soon as the cameraman walks in, an animation of Regan MacNeil from The Exorcist running towards the camera appears, before cutting to a still image of her. She then vanishes and the person recording continues to go upstairs. The video was taken down, however, there are multiple copies of it posted online.

Non-Vision videos

  • Bitte nicht Erschrecken: (Translated to "Do Not Scare"), shows a beach area with relaxing guitar music playing, at the 22-second mark, a zombie girl jumps out from the side of the screen and screams, while lightning flashes in the background.
  • Nicht erschrecken: The video shows a sidewalk late at night with a small light in the background. After a few seconds, a black floating blob comes into the light and hovers around until the 25-second mark, where the blob flies to the camera and flips over to reveal a scary zombie woman that screams loudly.

Follow the Red Dot

  • Scary Hyponosis Game: - The video shares similarities to the original Follow the Red Dot, and this maze is a lot sparse. A unique thing about this video is that the screamer appears in the middle of the video. At roughly 27 seconds, a weird creature on a thundercloud backdrop crashes into the camera screaming before cutting back to the maze, where all activity has stopped. There is an alternative version in German that exists where the walls of the maze's color are blue, and the face used is an abnormal-looking woman with a scream.[2]


  2. - The alternate version.


NOTE: The following channel contains a lot of screamers!




2 months ago
Score 0
Fun fact: On his now defunct website, (which is now on the wayback machine), he embedded some of his screamer videos, which don't work now.

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