Dinosaur Skull

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This page is about a screamer that is partially lost.
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Dinosaur Skull is a screamer video uploaded to YouTube by VenerableDread on October 14, 2006.

The viewer is prompted to find something wrong behind the dinosaur skull in the video. they are also instructed to search very closely in order to find it quickly. After a while, the image shifts closer with the same scream from What's Wrong?, and the video concludes with the message stating that the viewer got pranked.

Sadly, the video got deleted due to the creator being terminated for their channel getting hacked in 2022. Whether any copies of the original video still exist is unknown.


NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!

  • Deleted: youtube.com/watch?v=92kFCg8_bgc
  • Remake: web.archive.org/web/20240419145828/qu.ax/Nxgh.mp4



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