Don't Feed Dogs Chocolate PSA (1983)

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"Don't Feed Dogs Chocolate PSA (1983)" is a Scratch animation created by Nelukei3 on August 9, 2024.

It starts off with a title screen saying: "1983 RKE Animation. DON'T FEED DOGS Chocolate! By Embassy Health and Safety", with "This PSA is being broadcasted for your dogs and your safety." on the right side. It then cuts to a dog looking at chocolate and eating it. After the dog eats the chocolate, a reminder that the dog (Mr. Dog) isn't supposed to do that appears, saying "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT, MR. DOG! IT MAKES YOU....." However, a drawing of a woman with a large open mouth and black eyes with glowing irises suddenly appears on the screen with a loud roar. After the screamer, it cuts to a screen stating how many deaths and info about the deaths, along with bite sounds. Then, an Embassy Health and Safety logo appears.


NOTE: The following animation contains a screamer.

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