User:LuaGunsX/Archive/Creepypasta:Dead Bart Script

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Content Warning!
The following work contains content and material that some may find shocking. Reader discretion is advised.

This is the official script written by K.I Simpson that was saved on his computer. This is not to be confused with the original Dead Bart creepypasta.[1]

The intro was the normal season 1 intro. You can't see this on TV anymore, it's a little longer and has a few slight differences from the pre-HD intro that started in season 2 and replaced the season 1 intro in syndication. The chalkboard has Bart writing:

"The good aren't the only ones who die young."

The couch gag seems incomplete, we see a still frame of an empty couch while we hear a static noise.

The episode starts with the Simpsons family at the table.

Bart: Dad, why do we have to go on this stupid trip?

Homer: I've had enough of your whining you stupid little brat, just eat your breakfast and get packed.

Bart: The only reason we're going on this trip is because you're a loser who can't afford to take us anywhere good.

Homer slaps Bart across the face. Lisa seems upset by this, and talks to Marge.

Lisa: Mom, can't you do something?

Marge: Just let it go.

Lisa: But I'm scared that...

Homer: Lisa, shut up and stop bothering your mother or you're next.

Lisa stops talking and seems to be holding back tears. Marge just sighs and looks at the ground.

The scene cuts to the Simpson family loading their car. Ned Flanders is mowing his lawn and sees them.

Ned: So long Simpsons clan, may God bless you on your trip!

Homer: Shut up Flanders.

Bart: Yeah, no one's going to make a trip with this fat moron fun.

Homer: Shut up you little smart ass punk!

Homer slaps Bart again.

Bart: I wish I was dead.

Homer: You're not the only one, now shut your face and get in the car.

The family gets in the car and starts driving. Marge is trying to wipe Bart's face where Homer's slap left a mark, but Bart pushes her away. Lisa keeps nervously looking back and forth between Homer and Bart.

We see the Simpsons' car pulling into the airport parking lot, the family gets out, hauling their luggage.

Bart: Can't we just stay home? You'll just spend the entire trip watching TV and stuffing your face like usual, Homer.

Homer: I swear to God, if you mouth off one more time I'm throwing you under the plane while it's taking off!

Marge: Homer, if the kids really don't want to go, maybe we should just stay home.

Lisa: Yeah Dad, I really don't think the trip is worth it if you'll just keep fighting the entire time.

Homer: I'm not the one being a rude little brat, now stop making excuses for Bart and shut up.

Lisa: But Dad...

Homer slaps Lisa. Marge looks like she's about to get angry, but her face falls and she just sighs and keeps walking. The Simpson family is presenting their tickets and about to board the plane. An early version of Raphael (the sarcastic guy who does various jobs) is the clerk.

Raphael: Five coach tickets. Enjoy your trip, big spender.

Homer looks like he's about to punch Raphael, but manages to restrain himself. The family walks onto the plane, their part of it is in very poor condition, you can see cracks in a few of the windows.

Bart: This smells even worse than our car.

Marge: Bart, please, stop aggravating your father. For me?

Bart: It's not my fault you married a fat loser.

Homer slaps Bart again, noticeably harder than the previous times.

Homer: Now I don't want to hear one more word from you for this entire trip, do you understand you little piece of crap?

Lisa is crying slightly, obviously trying not to. Homer ignores her, Marge looks at her but doesn't seem to be able to think of anything to do to help.

Pilot: We will be taking off now, everyone please fasten your seat belts until we are at full height.

The plane starts gathering speed. Bart takes off his seat belt.

Homer: Bart! Put your seat belt back on this second or...

Bart: Or what? You'll take yours off and come after me? You wouldn't get off your fat ass even if it was safe.

Homer just growls and starts grinding his teeth.

Marge: Bart, please, you could get hurt! Bart: I don't care, it can't be worse than sitting next to Homer.

Bart starts fooling around, messing with carry on luggage, climbing on people who are buckled into their seats. Bart is across the aisle from Homer, right next to a cracked window.

Homer: BART! Get back in your seat right now!

Bart: Screw you Homer, this is the most fun I'll have on this stupid trip. I'll...

The plane lifts off the ground. Bart loses his balance and falls backwards. He grab part of the seat, his legs kicking back and forth. His foot hits the window and breaks it. The crack turns into a hole the size of a person, and Bart gets sucked out. We see him falling out of the plane from an overhead angle, he's too small to see the details. He quickly falls and crashes into the ground. The camera zooms in on his corpse, which looks closer to a slightly off photo than anything animated. Blood is seeping out from under his body, the front is intact, but his eyes are clearly lifeless, and his limbs are at an unnatural angle. The camera stays on this picture for a few minutes, ending act one.

Act two begins with Homer, Marge, and Lisa crying, there isn't much more to say about it. There isn't any coherent dialogue, the first two minutes look and sound like a normal Simpsons episode where the characters happen to be crying. Minute three is when the voice acting improves, the crying sounded more real than any acting I had experienced before. Minutes four and five have the faces appearing in the windows, pausing I was able to make out some details, they don't seem to be any particular characters, they seem more like pencil sketches colored Simpsons yellow. The murmuring also starts during these minutes. Minutes six and seven have the animation decaying, by the end of the act you probably wouldn't be able to tell it was The Simpsons if you started watching at that point.

Act three opens with the one year later title card, the family is still at the table. The animation has returned to normal, but they're all skeletally thin. Maggie isn't present, but her high chair seems to have dust on it.

Marge: Another pointless day. Homer: Why couldn't we have all died.

Lisa: Let's just figure out what to do today, then we can wait for it to be over.

Marge: We've never even been to Bart's grave, maybe we'll feel better if we finally visit it.

Homer: We won't, you know we won't.

Despite this, Homer gets up from the table. The family goes outside and starts walking down the street. The first few blocks are completely deserted, but look normal otherwise. The next few have the houses showing signs of neglect, overgrown lawns, broken windows, cracks in the structure. The last blocks before the cemetery have the house looking even more decrepit, and with loose, unstable animation. The family reaches the cemetery, and finds Bart's body just lying in front of a tombstone, looking just like it did at the end of act one.

Marge: My special little guy...

Lisa: He's never going to look any different, is he?

Homer: He doesn't want us to get over this, he died angry at me, and I'm supposed to remember that forever.

The family starts crying again, this goes on for a few minutes. Homer then speaks his inaudible line, and the view zooms out, showing the guest star tombstones. The handwritten credits appear, and then the shot of the entire family on the couch drawn in the style of Bart's corpse. The file doesn't end on its own, it just stays on that shot until you close it.