Follow the Red Dot

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Follow the Red Dot (often stylized as "FOllOW thE Red DOt!!!!!") is a screamer video uploaded to YouTube by RicciAika on March 29, 2007, and currently has over 9 million views.

The video starts with text in German reading "Huthsweg Productions prasentiert" and "Verfolge den roten Punkt!", which translate to: "Huthsweg Productions presents Follow the red Dot!". Then, a red dot is shown moving through a white maze. When it reaches the end, the video cuts to another part of the maze as the dot continues to move forward.

During this section, as the dot moves to the center of the screen, a picture of Katie Embry from the 2002 horror movie The Ring appears with a loud, shrill shrieking noise. The image of Katie persists in the last few seconds of the video until it ends.

Showcase Video


NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!

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