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Revision as of 18:38, 7 July 2023 by Nemesis6051 (talk | contribs)
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Current projects:

Last Measure re-write (~90%)


  • I believe I just found the download for Unified X Last Measure Live! so this will take a little longer than expected. (
    • Not all of the download links were archived, but some files like index.php can be viewed.
  • The actual creation date (or year) for Last Measure is a bit difficult to determine. The mirror has archives going back to 2003. The site has a copyright year 2004. According to ED Last Measure emerged "circa September 2005". I've left it as 2004 based on the site but I don't feel confident about it. Might change to 2003.
  • "Behavior" section is based on the mirror.
  • Included footnotes to explain various JavaScript events and other details, it may be too excessive but I think it would help the average person understand it better.
  • Included some more mirrors listed on
  • The stats chart compiled by Version 4.1 is too large to fit onto the page as an image, so I linked to it instead under the "Links" section.
  • and modern mirror are nearly identical to Unified X.
  • mirror is down. I don't know if there's a new "current" mirror.
  • Apparently and the modern mirror ( are supposed to play audio clips but this does not seem to work, whether due to it being archived improperly or something else. Some of the other listed mirrors seem to have the audio clips embedded properly.
  • I don't know how to fix the extra space in the ModelessDialog code comment :(
  • Last Measure seems to make use of something called CoffeeMeasure but I do not know what this is.
  • I don't understand code that well, so if there's something I missed or misinterpreted please leave a comment on the page. The downloads to 3.4.1 and 4.1 are available, and you can view the source of any page by putting "view-source:" before the URL in either Firefox or Chrome. Warning that the .tar files contain shock images.
  • The source code currently linked on the "Last Measure" page is missing some code, namely the audio embed, "Lastmeasure last measure last-measure nero institute" text, CLICK ME button, and displaying pooped.jpg.

  • Conclusion: Nimp is really just a Last Measure mirror, so it doesn't need its own page. Perhaps the page could redirect to the "Last Measure" page instead.

Misc. Testing

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