Snake Ass

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Revision as of 17:12, 10 March 2023 by TheEpikShyGuy (talk | contribs)
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Snake Ass is a click-and-bait shock video, that is mostly used against many live streamers like Bathrobe Dwane, Oddkast, Bill Jensen and etc. The video features a brown and black snake, going up someone’s anus.

It is unknown who made the video, when it came out or where the original video is. But it started getting used by the ‘Trihard’ community probably back somewhere in 2017. The Snake-Ass video got popular when live streamer, Bathrobe Dwane first saw the shock video and how he reacted to it, made people spread the shock video towards other live streamers. Sometimes the video is used with Dubmood - A message to you playing, with a loud voice saying the N-word repeatedly over and over again.



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