3 Guys 1 Arm
3 Guys 1 Arm is a shocking video uploaded to bestshockers.com in May 2014. It also had a website called 3guys1arm.com which was apparently created by the same creator as bestshockers, although it was later shut down that same year. Despite this, it would stay hosted in bestshockers until it closed in 2017.

Despite this the video is one of the most unknown, this is because no other shocksite hosts it and even today it would be considered lost as it is not found anywhere other than by retrieving it via wayback machine.
In the approximately 5-minute video you can see three boys in what looks like a room in a sex shop, while one records, the other inserts a large dildo along with his arm into the anus of another boy who is on a table, in the rest of the video the guy inserts and removes the dildo and his arm while moaning in pain.
It can easily be said that the video was filmed in Mexico due to the accent with which the boys speak.
NOTE: The following shock site contain pornography!