1 Guy 2 Spoons
1 guy 2 spoons is a viral shocking video where a guy pulls out his eyeball using two spoons. The guy is still unknown. This is one of the most famous shock videos in the history of the Internet, as it has many reactions on YouTube and is still known and seen today.
The origin of the video is partly unknown, the only thing that is known is that it appeared in early 2009, since one of the first places where it could be seen was on the ShockSiteList of that year. The video was very viral in 2009 and 2010, having many reactions on youtube, being one of the best known shock videos in those years. Later, around 2015 and 2016, he gained fame again because the bestshockers.com page contained the video, again generating a wave of reactions on YouTube.
After being forgotten, it became relevant again in 2021 due to tik tok as it was featured in videos of things you shouldn't google and went viral again.
In the approximately 45-second video, a guy is shown putting a spoon to the top of his eye trying to get it out of the socket. He then places another spoon at the bottom of the eye to try to get it all the way out. The video ends with the eye almost coming out of his skull.
To this day, many believe that the video may be fake and that the author may have used a fake eye and a fake head to make it, while others consider it real because the pupil can be seen focusing in and out, as well as you can see the pulse of the hands in the movement of the spoons.
NOTE: The following shock site contains graphic content!