
Scary Halloween 2008 message

From Screamer Wiki

Scary Halloween 2008 Message is a screamer video that was uploaded to YouTube on October 23rd, 2008 by cottonproductions.

The video displays a note from the creator, intended for his subscribers and friends on Youtube. In messages that fade into the screen, he states that he "wanted to make a halloween video to entertain you this year", but that he's sorry because he has been too busy to do that in time. Instead, he "made this apology video with scary sounds". After this, the next message appears. It says "oooooooo scary. Well I would like to take this opportunity to say" - and stays like this until the 46 second mark, at which point an edited gif of the creator wearing a Halloween mask pops up into the screen, with the same scream from the K-fee commercials. The video ends with a final message: "HAPPY HALLOWEEN FROM COTTON PRODUCTIONS".

Showcase video



NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!

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