
No Pressure

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No Pressure is a global warming short film by Possible. (Formerly 10:10). The short film was written by Richard Curtis and Franny Armstrong, and directed by Dougal Wilson. The video description described the film as '“No Pressure” celebrates everybody who is actively tackling climate change… by blowing up those are aren’t.'[1]

A promotion for the video.

First Scene

It begins a bright and chirpy schoolteacher tells her class about the 10:10 campaign, and asks what they are doing to reduce their carbon footprint. She asks which of students are planning to participate; most raising their hands, two children shrug apathetically. The teacher has reassures the students that this is fine, as there is "no pressure," however, the camera then shifts to the papers on the teacher's desk to reveal a red-button detonator, which she presses. The two children who did not want to participate explode, covering their screaming classmates with blood and body parts. then goes on casually to explain the night's homework to her horrific charges.

Second Scene

The second scene shows a group of white-collar workers in an office meeting. The office manager similarly explains the purpose of the 10:10 campaign, and asks who will be participating. While most raised their hands, four employees were not convinced. The manager reassures them that there is "no pressure" to participate, however, the manager's assistant hands the manager a detonation button, which he uses to blow up the four workers, splattering the appalled co-workers with gore.

Third Scene

It is setting on a football pitch during team training. The coach asks the players to explain about the 10:10 campaign, the team is participating in. They are describe into a range of energy-saving measures which been implemented by the team and its fans. However, the coach remains unmoved, remarking the campaign would distract him from football. A player wants to tell him that there's "no pressure", produces a detonator and blows him up. Unlike the witnesses depicted graphic content in previous scenes, the team is not being surprised at all.

Fourth Scene

It begins a brief interlude with captions explains about the 10:10 campaign, accompanied by music from Radiohead. Gillian Anderson is finishing the voice-over for the interlude just seen. The sound engineer asks her, what she is planning to doing to the cut her carbon footprint. Anderson irritably remarks that she was thought providing the recording as a sufficient contribution. The sound engineer repeats the film's catchphrase, "no pressure", and detonates Anderson before picking up to leave. the short film ends with a explosion shot of Anderson's gory remains sliding down the sound-booth window with the text "Cut your carbon by 10%. No pressure."


The video had a positive reception from much of the media and people in support of curbing global warming. However, some supporters also believed that the video was too violent and that shock tactic would not work properly.[2] Climate skeptics, however, had an extremely negative reaction to the video; these people showed their negativity towards the video by calling Richard Curtis an Eco-fascist. The video also had large dislike to like ratio with many of the top comments being from skeptics.[3] Because of the extreme negativity, the video was privated and removed from the 10:10 website.[4]


NOTE: The following video contains extremely graphic content!



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