

From Screamer Wiki

CAMERA SCOLLY | EL PLEXPERO 2016 is a screamer video made by El Plexpero on 4 feb 2024 on youtube

its stearts off a video with a black screen and a red text said "performance 2016" and its shows a man having depression in his life doing on his bed and its cut to the man sitting on a bed doing nothing, its show the man was bleeding blod on the floor and the man stand here on his bed standing all the time and its cut to the man taking off his shirt and wear a blue shirt in it, its show the man using a Injection with fake blood and putting on his arm that he is bleeding and its show a man taking a wine glass full of blood and the man drink it and then he vomits and drink it again and he vomits out blood, its cut off a man who wearing a coivd 19 mask or something in the dark where the camera man shows the man with a mask on it, its cut off a camera manseeing a man in the window with a scary looking mask on it, its cut to a fanart of a Happy Tree Friends character Flippy looking scared seeing a Demonitc vesion of pinkie pie form My Little Pony and its pop up a another character form Happy Tree Friends Mime edited to be kinda scary with a tv static nosies in the background, its cut to a darker veison of the same image and you hear her langhing and then its cut to pinkie pie's eye rolling her eye round with creepy music playing and its cut to black and then its shows a random person holding a lighter with music playing in the background and its shows man and a man who wearing a monkey mask holding firework sitcks having fun its cut to a another man with a monky mask holding a firework sitck whlie sitting here and cuts to a man going crazy where a man is holding a fireworksitck and then cut to a man in the mirror looking at himself and the normal looks video at the end.


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File:After the screamer.PNG| after the screamer


NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!



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