
Knock Knock

From Screamer Wiki

Knock Knock is a Korean Webcomic Screamer created by Horang on 2015.

It starts off with someone typing on a computer named Minji. Her mom asked her what she up to. She had finished this report by tomorrow and her mom offer some cookies to her and tells that she is such a hard worker. Her dad might be on a business trip today and he'll be back for a couple of days.

The webcomic starts off with someone typing on a computer named Minji. Minji's mom asks her what is she up to. Minji said that she had to finish this report by tomorrow. Minji's mom thinks that her daughter is such a hard worker and offer some cookies to her. That gave Minji the taste of her cookies. Minji tells that her dad still not home. Her dad went on a business trip today. He'll be back in a couple of days.

The webcomic described what happens in the summer of 2013. At around one AM. The driver was heading to the nearby Seoul Station since he had a hard time finding any costumers around this residential area. As Minji gets ready, she ask the driver that he mind opening the trunk for her. The driver will put her suitcase in the trunk and returned to the driver's seat. The driver ask where should he take Minji to and Minji wanted to go to 180-16 Munjeong-Dong. The driver ask Minji that she was able to get back from a trip as Minji said she just got back from Japan where she was studying there for around 5 months studying art, and she was decided to go for a little stay since she's on a holiday.

Minji seemed like the type who enjoyed chatting. The driver likes talking with costumers so he started making conversation with Minji. Minji wants to get home and see her dad when she had a hard time getting a job. The driver felt like he had touched on a sensitive issue so he quickly changed topics. The driver had seen the Ok-Su Station over there and he tells Minji that she heard that story about a ghost in Ok-Su Station.

In Minji's neighborhood, there's this game that she heard was called Wall-knock ghost, a game where they summon a ghost and ask it stuff. She had tried with her friends when she was little. Minji described that the game is simple at school or some kind of room, they go around knocking the wall until they made a complete circle of the room. As they go around knocking the wall, they'll find a place in the wall that's empty and that goes "thud" when they hit it. If they stand in front of them with their friend and ask a question as they hold a pencil up to the wall and drop it. The pencil will fall and face either them or their friend. For example if they ask something like "Oh spirit in the wall, who among us will get a boyfriend first? " it will point to whoever will find a guy first. Minji asked a silly questions, when they suddenly got scared do they started asking a question about life or death, like "which of them will die first"? They wrote things like " disease, accident, natural death..." as questions.

And then suddenly it was all quiet in the car. After sitting in silence for about a minute, the driver broke the crushing silence. The driver ask what it says as Minji says "murder". As the driver approaching the building, he call out Minji but she had gone missing. Her suitcase was still in the trunk as the driver took the suitcase out of the trunk. He opened the suitcase as if urged on by some unseen force, revealing a bloodied corpse of Minji with a screech, a screamer occurred. When the driver saw the body of Minji, he called the police immediately and they soon arrived. He explained to them how he had ended up here with a suitcase containing a dead body. The investigation began as the police attempt to keep Minji's mom back who had seen the corpse. Around 5 months earlier, her mom has reported her daughter missing. On the security camera near the shopping mall where Minji had gotten in the taxi, all that was shown was him lifting a suitcase off the sidewalk and putting it in the trunk. Her voice was not recorded on the taxi's black box either it was just a recording of him talking to himself. The footage showed the man who had dropped the suitcase off there was the murderer who killed her.

Around a month had gone by after that as the driver was in Minji's room, he was eating some cookies that her mom had gave him to thanked him for returning her daughter to her. When suddenly he remembered the game which Minji told him about, the Wall-knock ghost. The driver would do this for himself like Minji and her friend themselves. The driver asked em that the man on the security camera footage the one who killed Minji as he dropped the pencil onto the paper, rolling onto it near the cookies.

At the end of the webcomic the same screamer appears. and then it scroll down contains a GIF of people reacting to the knock knock webcomic.


NOTE: The following comic contains a screamer!



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