
Screamer Wiki

Top Contributors

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Top Contributors

Members which played an important role on Screamer Wiki will get their names on this page to list their accomplishments.


HLDK is the founder of Screamer Wiki. Making his first edit on November 11th, 2013, HLDK is mostly known by his YouTube channel, AnimatorXP, which currently has over 10,000 subscribers. He is also Danish.


Joining the wiki on July 28th, 2015, Sumpy has made over 7,000 contributions. Before joining this wiki, he was the owner of the Scary Pop-Up Wiki. He then found ScreamerChecker Wiki, as it was called at the time, and proposed to merge the two wikis. This event significantly changed Screamer Wiki's history.


Joined on January 20th, 2019, Screamer1234 has made over 8,500 edits, created over 195 pages and is ranked 1st place on Leaderboard in the FANDOM version. He also has a now-terminated YouTube channel (unfortunately, it will be unsuspended in the future) dedicated to his content.


Joined on January 21st, 2015, Kianlolcat99 made the wiki community grow bigger, helped enforce the rules when HLDK was gone and has made almost 500 contributions.


Joined for the first time on August 31st, 2015, Zeroxeon has made over 1,000 total contributions. He lives in Germany and has also created multiple screamers.


Joined on July 12th, 2015, Abinadabi made over 600 contributions. He is most known for knowing multiple languages and liking anime. Abinadabi is ranked 10th place on the leaderboard and lives in Brazil.


Joined on August 29th, 2015, Socoollogos made over 400 contributions. He is known for being a logo enthusiast, and he lives in Quebec, Canada.


Joined on August 2nd, 2015, NodogonToontown has made over 300 contributions and is ranked 11th place on the leaderboard.


Joined as Lawiki1534virus on August 28th, 2015, Angeleno has made over 6,000 contributions on both accounts combined. He is an active contributor on the Screamer Wiki and is ranked 2nd place on the leaderboard. He lives in Los Angeles.


Joined on November 4th, 2015, MoekaChiina has made almost 2,500 contributions. She is ranked 3rd place on the leaderboard and is an active contributor. MoekaChiina also lives in Brazil.


Joined on March 21st, 2017, RogueHarrier has made over 600 contributions. RogueHarrier is ranked 5th place on the leaderboard.


Joined on June 14th, 2017, TheMan5 has made over 750 contributions. He is ranked 6th on the leaderboards.