The Disturbingly Truth About BronsonRocksWishboneSucks (SCREAMER ALERT)

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The Disturbingly Truth About BronsonRocksWishboneSucks (SCREAMER ALERT) is a screamer video uploaded to YouTube by Miguel Perez on July 23rd, 2024.

The video starts off with the creator (Miguel Perez) telling viewers about the disturbing truth regarding an individual who goes by the username BronsonRocksWishboneSucks and rants about how he hates him. At around 7:50, the creator greets said individual with a "surprise", only for a grayscale photo of a skeleton to appear, along with a loud scream. The video returns back to normal afterwards and concludes later on.

A "" watermark can be seen throughout the entire video, which is a video recording app.[1]



NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!

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