1 Bitch 9 Pups

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The contents of the videos is abhorrent. If members of the public came across this material they would be revolted. It is incomprehensible that an individual could imagine such acts let alone carry them out. The depravity is deeply disturbing.
Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Jon Beer describing the video's content.

1 Bitch 9 Pups is an Australian zoosadistic shock video made by the unidentified animal molester and killer from McMinns Lagoon, which was located at Darwin, Northern Territory of Australia.


The video was originally uploaded on November 2021 at the private Telegram group chat by the unidentified 51-year-old Australian man, who goes by the user name of "Cerberus".[1] 1 Bitch 9 Pups was, at first, originally made as a series of an unknown total of short chronological videos recording each animal's deaths, and it was revealed that the whole zoosadism lasts for 15 minutes straight when all videos were combined.

There were also several more zoosadism videos on his Telegram account, although none of them were shared outside of Telegram and there is no way to access them. One of the private videos is a footage of the same man urinating the unknown amount of dogs and beating them up,[2] but the dogs' fate remains disclosed.


The screenshot of the video's preview from GoreDB, before it got taken down.

Around the same month after the video's upload, Jaden Korse (Gorvaged), who was a zoosadism supporter, gained access to the zoosadist's Telegram chat[1] and saved all the 1 Bitch 9 Pups video clips for the shock mixtape creation group called Bleaksville. The video series were used as some of the many graphic clips for Bleaksville's now lost "Not Safe For Life" mixtape and there was also an alternate "Safe For Life" version which removed the same footage. Jaden later passed away on December 21st.[3]

Nearly four months later, on March 1, 2022, the user named ᴊᴀψᴅᴏɴ discovered the 1 Bitch 9 Pups video series from the mixtape and transferred all the files to the gore forum site Goreflix. The post gained over 2,000 views. Few weeks later, another user by the name of Coolgnomechannel found them from the thread and saves all the video clips and merge the videos into one whole footage. On March 22nd, when the user is finished combining all the video clips, he shared the full video on the gore site GoreDB, and was later brought attention on the same month by online communities (including KiwiFarms and numerous NSFW subreddits) due its horrifically disturbing and inhumane content. The reaction by people who witnessed the video was overwhelming; most of the users cried, some were suffering from emotional trauma, and others were outraged. The video on GoreDB gained approximately more than 6,500 views.

More than couple days later after the video's publish, GoreDB takes it down for violating the site's anti-animal cruelty policy. However, some short clips were already spread to other gore sites, such as Deadhouse. There is also a video on YouTube with the brief sample from the same footage, where it plays the 1.5 second part of the first pup, but the video ends with a Rick Roll as soon as the man raised his hammer. The full video can still be found on its Goreflix thread post, although it requires account creation before viewing.

The subreddit user named Dredderf reveals himself to be Coolgnomechannel from GoreDB and he only uploaded the video to this site to bring up awareness in hopes of getting the zoosadist doxxed and arrested. Dredderf is glad that the man was finally caught.[4]


Fortunately enough on April 2022, NT Joint Anti-Child Exploitation Team (JACET) received an email by the investigator (referred as Mushrooms4 on Reddit)[5] about the video and takes action to track down the man behind the video. On April 22nd, two days later after starting the search, the NT team and Australian Federal Police (AFP) found the man at his McMinns Lagoon property.[6] After the police uncovered a "significant number" of the man's hardcore animal cruelty videos and photos during a raid of his house, the man was arrested and charged with 15 counts of aggravated animal cruelty and 2 counts of bestiality under the NT Criminal Code,[7] almost to 20 animal cruelty-related offences. He remains in custody to appear in Darwin Local Court on April 26th, although nothing major is revealed about the man in his first trial, as the deeper details about his crimes were suppressed by Judge Alan Woodcock due to their offensively graphic nature.[8] The man's identity was expected to be publicly revealed on his next court trial on June 22nd.[9] His next trial will also be live-streamed.

On April 24th after his arrest, the man's house has burned down to the ground, and he was locked away from locals, due to vigilantes from other Australian towns have traveled to Darwin in attempt to kill him for his actions.[5]

The man, before his arrest, has killed either over 20 or 25 dogs[2] (with 10 of them murdered from 1 Bitch 9 Pups) for few years, from the unknown date to November 2021.


The screenshot of the killer's last victim in her final moments, right before meeting a grim demise.

The video starts off with a naked middle-aged man who has brought the adult female boxer/pitbull mix dog and her nine 2/3-weeks-old pups to the private parts of the Darwin forest with him, along with some set of tools (namely the kitchen knife, handsaw, and a driller hammer).

Over 20 seconds later after the video starts playing, the man begins to mutilate and murder the helpless animals alive one by one to their slow, painful death in several unimaginably heinous ways:

  • Pup #1 - The man picks up the first pup and placed it on the log, then uses a driller hammer to smash its skull repeatedly into a gory mess.
  • Pup #2 - The man chops the pup in half with a handsaw. The dog was seen licking the crying pup's exposed organs.
  • Pup #3 - The man slits the pup's throat with a knife, causing the pup to squirm and yelp while rapidly bleeding until it dies.
  • Pup #4 - The man cuts a huge hole with few knives where the pup's genitalia is (from the behind) and sexually penetrates it like a fleshlight.
  • Pup #5 - The man guts and disembowels the pup, then forced the dog to rip and eat the body until it was nothing but a head. The man then took the pup's head and puts it on his erected penis.
  • Pup #6 - The man constantly stomped the pup with his feet, sits on the pup with his bare buttocks to suffocate, and molests the pup after it dies.
  • Pup #7 - The man stabs the pup with two knives from its mouth through its anus, skewering it. The man sodomized the pup until it dies, then shoved the body in the dog's mouth.
  • Pup #8 - The man twists and cracks the pup's legs and body with bare hands until it becomes mangled.
  • Pup #9 - The man killed the last pup, by sawing it in half and decapitates it with a knife. After the pup dies, the man smears the body and blood over the dog's face, and penetrates the pup's head.
  • Mother - The final victim. Throughout the video, the mother dog shows no reaction when she watched her pups suffering and dying at the hands of the sadist, and besides being forced to eat some her pups' remains, she only licked their serious wounds and exposed innards even while they were still alive; possibly thought she was trying to help her pups. Once the man is finished killing all the pups and penetrating some of their bodies, he urinates in the dog's mouth, immobilized the dog with duct tapes around her muzzle, ankles, and wrists, then ties her to the tree, before beating her with large sticks. He then takes the knife and stabs the dog in the heart, causing her to fall to her side and breathe laboriously. While the dog is still breathing, the man cuts off her mammary glands, left to bleed to death. When the dog became unresponsive, the man puts her back down to the ground and removed the duct tapes, then sliced her chest cavity wide open and stuffs three of the dead pups in the dog's bloody dissected body. The scene ends with the man thrashing the dead dog's head with a driller hammer until her skull is severally fractured. (NOTE: According to Coolgnomechannel's now-deleted "1Bitch9Pups finale" video from Peertube's search site, it is possible that the dog's torture lasts for more than 4 minutes.)


  • The mother dog wears an orange collar with color-changing patterns and a "Great Pets Start With You" logo. "Great Pets Start With You" is a pet council that was only headquartered at Darwin, Australia, the same place where the killing took place. Mushroom4, the same user who emailed the NT team about the 1 Bitch 9 Pups video, noticed the collar and sends photos of the dog to the councils at Darwin to help identify the dog, but they did not remember anything about it.[5]
  • It was heavily implied that the zoosadist's identity was Adam Britton, the Australian zoologist and crocodile specialist. It was evidenced by the fact that both were Australian, both live in Darwin, Northern Territory,[10] both were currently at the age of 51 (there is a July 16, 2021 news article confirming that Adam was 50 years old at the time), and both have small dot-like moles on the left forearm near their wrist.[11]
    • Adam Britton has not been recently posting anything from his social media accounts (such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) ever since his latest tweet reply on March 28, 2022 and not even recent public news where Adam's involved are published, while the zoosadist's arrest takes place on April 22nd, further implying that the zoosadist and Adam were the same person. However, until June 22nd, nothing is explicitly confirmed as it was all mere speculation.





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