
Windows XP Horror Edition

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Template:Malicious Scripts

Template:TocDefaultWindows XP Horror Edition is a screamer application created by WobbyChip.

The application's icon which has a windows xp logo in red icon. When the user launches the program an fake windows xp update install. after 66% appearing error message "Setup cannot copy the file ntdll.dll set up will use file 666.sys" when press OK the background turned red and windows xp logo replaced "Don't Look Behind You." and music from background turned into creepy music. First jumpscare when updated is finished appearing screen sudden distorted effect whole screen with loud static sound effect. after that computer is not actualy real booting up an fake Windows XP Horror Edition boot screen. then computer into logon screen just pass without selecting account goes to Welcome screen alone side with Eye picture and then computer is startup. the desktop background high resolution skull image and will see scary looking doll at split second pop up and sound from background more like MrsMajor. the had selection 3 fake application

First screamer a notepad file "DON'T OPEN ME!!!" when you will launches a text says "CONGRATULATION YOU OPENED ME DO YOU WANNA PLAY GAME OKAY THEN LOOK BEHIND YOU" After all few seconds a Granny attacks you with loud scream then actualy player dies and return to desktop.

Second screamer when press start button as know "DEAD" on right side with distorted text screen goes black out and then appearing a door. however door is open there becomes a jumpscare few seconds a write in blood says "GO TO SLEEP" then return to desktop.

jpg file name "NOTHING" which a open the picture instead played an animation in full screen is a urban legend story?.

then a Red Screen of Death is an BSOD Parody but showed error code 0x666666666 and then is actualy BSOD appearing and computer reboot will showed "I'M WATCHING YOU" with creepy music from background then computer is completely unbootable because MBR was overwritten and windows could not boot again.



NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!



NOTE: The following virus can actually kill your PC. If you're planning to run this, run on a virtual machine instead! Also, this contains screamers!


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