
Satisfying Pendulum

From Screamer Wiki

Revision as of 08:01, 16 February 2025 by ScreamerGuy20 (talk | contribs)

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This page is about a screamer that is partially lost.
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Satisfying Pendulum is a screamer video uploaded to Twitter by user @poopartist69 on June 5, 2023.

The video shows 16 metronomes playing. As they keep bouncing, the noises get lower and lower and then higher and higher as the video goes on. Suddenly, after just 15 seconds, the video would suddenly cut to the same screamer used in Rata Bailando. The only difference is that it's not as loud as the original clip.

One July 27th, A user known as Cool Yakko Warner made a remake of the video using Bandicam.

Showcase Video



NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!

  • Remake:
  • Permalink (remake):
  • Original video (no screamer):


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