User:Tankmanfan44/How to Archive Screamers

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When discovering a screamer, it is important to archive the video/website, in case it gets deleted or changed.

Here is a simple tutorial on how to archive screamers:

Archiving Websites

If you want to archive a website, copy the link and paste it into the appropriate box. It is also recommended to archive any subpages on the website itself.

  • Wayback Machine - The best tool for archiving websites. If you have an account, you can make it capture a screenshot of the page, save outlinks, and more.

  • - Just like the Wayback Machine, you can also use this to archive webpages. However, it does not allow certain scripts or animated files (.mp4, .swf, etc).

Archiving Videos

If you want to archive a YouTube video, copy the link and paste it into a website to download your video ( is recommended). Lastly, upload the file to and save it on the Wayback Machine.

See also: Screamer Wiki:How To Permalink



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