
A Sad Story In Girls Dormitory

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A Sad Story In Girls Dormitory (Chinese: 一个发生在女生宿舍的凄凉故事) was a screamer animation circulates across Chinese Internet around 2010. The exact release time and creator are not yet available.

It has a very similar concept to McDonalds.exe, which grabs the victim's attention and sets the mood through a crude horror story before showing the screamer. However, this one is more like a slideshow as the story is separated into several pages and the viewer needs to manually continue by clicking the silver button.

On the page where the story at its climax, however, the advance button does not appear anymore. After around 2 seconds, before the reader can read all the text on the page, an edited image of Crazy Ghost with poorly drawn eyeglasses suddenly appears along with a loud scream. After the screamer, there is one more page with the punchline of the story. has an unofficial English version, however it's currently lost due to not being archived. There is an alternate PowerPoint slideshow version with a slightly different story and a male scream.


Probably in the era, in my famous women's dormitory, I once posted this story.......... ⏭️
A female classmate, who didn't know what kind of trauma she suffered, actually committed suicide by jumping off a building, and committed suicide in a different way, just because people are different. Because she landed first, since then in the corridor of the women's first house, I often hear a sound similar to "hitting the ground with my head..... Bump. Touch...... Touch......... From the far end of the promenade, it is slowly easy to get closer............... In a short time he will become a dead man. Smell that." ⏭️
And she said in a desolate voice, "Is so-and-so there?" Her wife and friends all know that this is her turning back................ But no one dared to open the door. It's not good either. But over time, this became less and less the case.......... ⏭️
Soon after, summer break came, and as the holidays came, the dormitory students all went back. And this terrible has not stopped.................. ⏭️
The woman said: I want to do it, If you do this, you will ..... it and do it with it..... Alas, don't think even about it.
<20 Frames Delay> <SCREAMER>
It's useless for you to hide.................. .....................



她就以凄凉的声音说:某某某在吗? 她的室友都知道,这是她回了................但没有人敢去开门...这样的情形,一直维持了好几个礼拜。但久而久之,这种情况也就愈来愈少..........⏭️


一天晚上,女生宿舍的管理员在清理宿舍(由于大家急着回来,没有好好的整理寝室,所以可怜的管理员,只好一间一间的清理了),清理到这间传闻颇多的房间。心 也就毛了起来,「但传言归传言,没有根据的事情.....唉!不要去想它。」管理员心中想着。于是便大胆的开了房门,只感觉阴气阵阵....⏭️

注意一看,原来是北边的窗户没有关上,这时心中便安了起来。于是想上前去关上那个窗户,就在他关上的那一刹那,突然听到"碰"一声。他回头一看,门已经自动关上了。 ⏭️



但人生不如意;十之八九,这句话活生生的证明在他身上。她停在门囗,没有在跳动了,以凄凉的囗气缓缓的说:「你..不..用..再..躲..了..我..已..经..看..到..你..了。」管理员心想说:「我躲在桌下,而你也没有开门,怎么可能看得到我呢?」 ⏭️


<20 Frames Delay>

你躲也沒有用的……………… …………………


NOTE: The following website contains a screamer!

  • Raw SWF:
  • English version (SWF is lost):
  • Alternate PowerPoint version:


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