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Revision as of 02:37, 20 December 2019 by Lawiki (talk | contribs) (Added translations, they are kind of loose, but, make more sense than a literal translation.)
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Tortazo was a shock video released by YouTuber Martías Ignacio Vera Oyarzo (Peluchin Entertainment). The video shows Martías torturing his cat, to where, later on, it dies.

The video, which shows Martías's head blurred out (a version where his head is not blurred is currently lost), starts by Martías violently grabbing his cat, Jason, by its limbs and by its fur; annotations appear that read "Antes de que muriera mi gato, mi gato tenía dos patas casí muertas (Before I would kill my cat, my cat had two broken limbs)." Martías then contnues to shove his cat around on the ground and step on it; more annotations then show up, "Mi gato en este momento tenía la cola muy herida, un poco arrancada (My cat now has a very wounded tail; it's a little bit dislodged too)."


NOTE: The following video contains violence!