
Adult Swim: The Heart, She Holler Promos

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During late August 2013 until mid-September 2013, Adult Swim ran a series of strange promos for one of their TV shows The Heart, She Holler, in which one of this main character (Meemaw) would randomly appear during promos for other shows, such as Family Guy and The Cleveland Show.

At first this does not sound bad, but how these promos worked is during late night shows, during the ad breaks, there was a chance Meemaw would randomly pop up screaming.

These were very unpredictable, for example Adult Swim might show a bumper promo for American Dad!, only to have it interrupted by Meemaw doing one of the following for a few seconds before resuming the interrupted promo:

Some of Meemaw's Appearances are

  • Laughing manically.
  • Screaming.
  • Spitting blood on the screen.

Initially, the screamers confused and angered many people, many posts were made to the r/AdultSwim subreddit in which many users expressed their anger at Adult Swim's choice to air these terrifying bumpers. The bumpers were taken down when The Heart, She Holler is aired.


NOTE: The following links contain screamers and unsettling imagery!

  • • Reddit threads (Images taken by less than pleased viewers): contains NO imagery or videos of the promo in action.
  • • Cleveland Show screamer: Pops up at 17 seconds.
  • • Adult Swim: Scary Screaming Face: Pops up at 10 seconds.