Fake Fancams

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Fake Fancams ( also called the "Fancam Situation" ) are videos shared on Twitter and Instagram pretending to be a fancam video but actually show either a screamer or disturbing imagery including but not limited to murder, torture, self-harm and suicide. The fancams originally started with K-Pop, but later expanded to other things.

This phenomenon appeared at the end of May 2020. Many k-pop stans have found red flags to identify the members of groups from where it originated such as keywords ("slit" or "slitz") and symbols.

Later in December 2020, these fake fancams made a resurgence. @ASUKLY made a bait-and switch image with the word "click me!" however, expanding the image would show show photos of self-harm.[1]. The tweet has since been removed. ASUKLY also worked with Dreamslitz, who released a fake TommyInnit "fancam" the same day.[2]


The twitter account @fancamsituation and the #stopusingfancamsasbait hashtag were created to spread awareness and who to block.

Multiple BlockTogether.org blocklists were made to block off those who posted the fake fancams. Many people took a break or censored their replies to avoid any spread of the situation.

Chainmail-like rumors were made:

  • Answering to their DMs were made would lead to your account being stolen
  • Answering to their DMs would lead to your doxxing

These rumors have been debunked by Mutahar, owner of the tech/deep web/news channel SomeOrdinaryGamers.



NOTE: The following twitter threads may contain accounts that post disturbing content!

  • twitter.com/pockyymon/status/1264979540117532672
  • Example screamer provided by wiki user TabbyGarf: twitter.com/BigDickTabby/status/1265764566123888649
  • TommyInnit shock fancam: web.archive.org/web/20201214225454/video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1332826704843313154/pu/vid/720x720/MszQHodshyeXwX4z.mp4



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