Dumb Animals

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Dumb Animals is the name of a Public information film, and it's contained a shock value. however, since it has been a frustrating charity known as "Respect for Animals" attempting to stop the animal fur trading.

Unlike The Scavengers, the ad starts off with an cinema ad comes 3 women in a boutique wearing coats, made out of animal fur. with pop music plays. the woman will spin a fur coat in fast-close ups and squirting out blood stains, in front of people, accompanied along with animal screams. the ad ends up followed with this message "It takes up to 40 dumb animals to make a fur coat. But only one to wear it."


NOTE: The following video contains extremely !

  • Original version: youtube.com/watch?v=D8MDnWPTheg
  • Classic version: youtube.com/watch?v=MFP4dT_nIL4



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