Tajemnicza postać z reklamy prostacare

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Tajemnicza postać z reklamy prostacare (A mysterious person in Prostacare commercal) is a Polish screamer uploaded to YouTube by user Kowalski 11, on June 28th, 2021.

The video is supposed to show, who's the third person appearing in the background of Prostacare commercial, a commercial for dietary supplement supporting the proper functioning of the prostate, that became a popular video source in Polish YouTube Poop community. The clip of that person is zoomed in twice, then, suddenly, at 0:15, an image of Ahenobarbus Henocied appears, edited in an epileptic way, along with a loud scream. Following this, a death screen from Dark Souls containing text "YOU DIED" appears. However, at the end in 0:25, a second screamer appears, this time with a smiling actor playing the main role in the commercial.


NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!

  • youtube.com/watch?v=oMw_UiWZAzM



Jet Bernal
one month ago
Score 0
Dark Souls meme
one month ago
Score 0

A man.

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