Halloween 2007 setup in the Yard...

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Halloween 2007 setup in the yard... is a screamer video uploaded by mykylc on November 1st, 2007.

The video is about showing and explaining details of his front yard setup for Halloween 2007.  For almost two minutes he makes small talk about the decorations he is showing, but at 2:29, a screamer occurs. An still image of a hooded zombie decoration, briefly shown earlier in the video, appears with a loud male scream. And not long after at 2:36, another screamer occurs with different scary looking face with a female scream. The image shown this time is of a surprised groundbreaking zombie decoration, also shown earlier in the video. After both screamers occur, mykylc records the rest of video like nothing happened before it ends.


NOTE: The following video contains screamers!

  • youtube.com/watch?v=IcQ49OXuyL4