
Screamer Wiki

Editing Guide

From Screamer Wiki

Revision as of 21:57, 15 August 2022 by Tankmanfan44 (talk | contribs) (Protected "Screamer Wiki:Guides/Editing" ([Edit=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only administrators] (indefinite)))

Editing Guide

This guide explains everything you need to know when creating or editing an article on the Screamer Wiki. This will be useful if you are new to the wiki.

  1. Begin with the name of the screamer and say what type of screamer it is, when it was created and who is the creatorThe Maze is a Flash game created by Jeremy Winterrowd in 2004.
  2. Describe the screamer with as much objective detail as possibleIn this game, the player has to move their pointer through the blue maze without touching the black walls. There are three levels in total...
  3. Add pictures to your article • This will make it more interesting and visually attractive. After all, one picture is worth a thousand words.
  4. Add links to other articles • This will engage the reader even further. Just a simple link can make a visitor come back for more!
  5. Add a non-clickable link to the screamer • While adding the link to your article, and make sure, unless necessary, to remove the http://www part. Example:
  6. When you are done writing, it is time to categorize your page • To learn how to categorize your article properly, keep on reading.

Using Categories

Categories are an essential element to the wiki; they make it easier to browse through the all content and let users find what they need without becoming lost. Each page needs a category for TYPE, CONTENT, MAKER and CREATION DATE.

Type categories

  • SCREAMERS • Please specify the type of screamer.
    • Animations • Add this category if the screamer is an animation, this also includes Flash and SWF.
    • Applications • Add this category if the screamer is an executable program or application.
    • Comics • Add this category if the screamer is an animated comic.
    • Commercials • Add this category if the screamer was a commercial broadcast online or on television.
    • Games • Add this category if the screamer is a game.
    • GIFs • Add this category if the screamer is an animated GIF image.
    • Videos • Add this category if the screamer is a video (found on any site).
    • Websites • Add this category if the screamer is a link or webpage that contains an instant jumpscare.
  • SHOCK SITES • Add this category if the website contains disturbing images.

Content categories

  • SCREAMERS • Please specify the content of the screamer. Here are some examples of content categories:
    • FNaF • Add this category if the page is about a screamer containing a character from Five Nights at Freddy's.
    • Fright Night • Add this category if the page is about a screamer containing the zombie woman from Fright Night.
    • Jeff the Killer • Add this category if the page is about a screamer containing Jeff the Killer.
    • Katie Embry • Add this category if the page is about a screamer containing Katie Embry from The Ring.
    • K-fee • Add this category if the page is about a screamer containing the Zombie or Gargoyle from the K-fee commercials.
    • Pazuzu • Add this category if the page is about a screamer containing Pazuzu from The Exorcist.
    • Regan MacNeil • Add this category if the page is about a screamer containing Regan MacNeil from The Exorcist.
    • Sarah (The Exorcist) • Add this category if the page is about a screamer containing Sarah from The Exorcist: The Beginning.
    • What's Wrong face • Add this category if the page is about a screamer containing the face from What's Wrong?.
    • Other scary images • Add this category if the page is about a screamer containing a character other than the ones listed above.
  • SHOCK SITES • Please specify the content of the shock site.
    • Graphic content • Add this category if the page is about a website containing 18+ images.
    • Pornography • Add this category in the page is about a pornographic website.
    • Gore • Add this category if the page is about a website containing gore.


These categories do not apply if the screamer is a website or shock site.

Creation date

  • Add the creation year of the screamer as a category; per example, 2012.

Additional categories

All categories listed here are added automatically with the corresponding template.

  • Article stubs • Add this category if the page is incomplete, needs more information, or has to be reworked. For these pages, please add the Stub banner to the page by clicking on InsertTemplate, find Stub and click on it. Place the banner at the top of the page.
  • Closed websites • Add this category if the page is about a website that does not exist anymore. For these pages, please add the Closed banner to the page by clicking on Insert, Template, find Closed and click on it. Place the banner at the top of the page.
  • Deleted screamers • Add this category if the page is about a screamer that does not exist anymore, or its original copy was deleted. For these pages, please add the Deleted banner to the page by clicking on InsertTemplate, find Deleted and click on it. Place the banner at the top of the page.
  • Flashing lights • Add this category if the screamer contains flashing lights. For these pages, please add the Flashing lights banner to the page by clicking on Insert, Template, find Flashing lights and click on it. Place the banner at the top of the page.
  • Blocked • Add this category if the screamer and shock site is blocked in a country. For these pages, please add the Blocked screamer or shock site banner to the page by clicking on Insert, Template, find Blocked and click on it. Place the banner at the top of the page.

Adding Infoboxes

If you want to make your page even more interactive and attractive, you can add infoboxes. To add an infobox, simply click the Insert button, then click on Infobox. You now have numerous choices; you can choose between Screamer Infobox and Shock site Infobox, depending on the page that you are editing, and then you can customise it.

Now that you're done writing your page, why not add a small touch of originality? If you want to edit colors, size and font of the text in your articles, check out the Styling Guide!