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(Created page with "{{Infobox |title = |image = Dontskip.png |imagecaption = "Don't skip!" |maker = ethanb0206 |type = YouTube video |date = January 18th, 2016 }} '''The Jumpscare Challenge...")
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|date = January 18th, 2016
|date = January 18th, 2016
'''The Jumpscare Challenge''' is a [[screamer]] video created by ethanb0206, as a challenge to viewers to not get scared by a jumpscare without knowing where it appears, it was originally uploaded to [[YouTube]] in January 18th, 2016, the video have accumulated over 3,300,000 views as of Today as well as 64.51 like-to-dislike ratio.<ref>The [like-to-dislike ratio*+100&sxsrf=ALeKk01IFbEr6Cj5IV1Lj8DmXvnLyd8DpA%3A1622292145724&ei=sTayYLfWK7HLmAXJrJ6ABg&oq=12%2C000+%2F+%2812%2C000+%2B+6%2C600%29+*+100&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BwgAEEcQsANQ4TpYnIgBYPSbAWgHcAJ4AIABzQGIAdYUkgEHMTAuMTMuMZgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrIAQjAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwj38sSY9e7wAhWxJaYKHUmWB2AQ4dUDCA4&uact=5] using the formula.</ref>
'''The Jumpscare Challenge''' is a [[screamer]] video created by ethanb0206, as a challenge to viewers to not get scared by a jumpscare without knowing where it appears, it was originally uploaded to [[YouTube]] in January 18th, 2016, the video have accumulated over 3,300,000 views as of Today as well as 64.51 like-to-dislike ratio.<ref>The [*+100&sxsrf=ALeKk01IFbEr6Cj5IV1Lj8DmXvnLyd8DpA%3A1622292145724&ei=sTayYLfWK7HLmAXJrJ6ABg&oq=12%2C000+%2F+%2812%2C000+%2B+6%2C600%29+*+100&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BwgAEEcQsANQ4TpYnIgBYPSbAWgHcAJ4AIABzQGIAdYUkgEHMTAuMTMuMZgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrIAQjAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwj38sSY9e7wAhWxJaYKHUmWB2AQ4dUDCA4&uact=5 like-to-dislike ratio] using the formula.</ref>

As already stated, the point of the video is to not get scared by the jumpcsare without knowing where it appears from, Barney would randomly appear with the words: "Don't Skip" beneath, 46 seconds in, a distorted, close-up image of Barney's face with spike teeth (near resemblance to [[Jeff the Killer]]) appears along with an incredibly loud nuclear sound, the image then fades out before returning back to the [[screamer]] right away.
As already stated, the point of the video is to not get scared by the jumpcsare without knowing where it appears from, Barney would randomly appear with the words: "Don't Skip" beneath, 46 seconds in, a distorted, close-up image of Barney's face with spike teeth (near resemblance to [[Jeff the Killer]]) appears along with an incredibly loud nuclear sound, the image then fades out before returning back to the [[screamer]] right away.


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