R. Budd Dwyer's Suicide

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R. Budd Dwyer

Budd Dwyer Suicide is a video recorded on January 22, 1987, which depicts the Suicide of the late R. Budd Dwyer.

The video starts off with the late Pennsylvania State Treasurer, Robert "Budd" Dwyer, pulling a loaded revolver out of an envelope and announcing his intention to commit suicide by firearm on live TV. His colleagues attempt to talk him down, but Dwyer ignores them, puts the revolver in his mouth and pulls the trigger. As Dwyer's corpse collapses to the floor, his nose, mouth and an exit wound at the back of his head begin bleeding profusely.


NOTE: The following video contains extremely graphic content!

  • Original: liveleak.com/view?i=860c9b9f3b
  • Age Restricted: youtube.com/watch?v=eVm88MX2Gw4



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