From Screamer Wiki
10 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS is a YouTube video uploaded by a popular YouTuber Smosh in May 26, 2013.

the video itself is a fine celebration of 10,000,000 subscriber goal, the video starts with 2 main characters in Smosh thanking his 10 million subscribers, then a weird guy comes out of the door and shows a footage of them saying they are going to reveal their genitals when they hit 10 million subscribers back in the day, after several seconds passed, it shows a skit of them taking of there pants before revealing their genitals, after a couple of seconds passed, a demon faces of the duo rapidly flash with a deranged scream, and afterwards they thank the viewers and the text says "We love you" and the video ends.
NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!
- youtube.com/watch?v=-87vPy02w44