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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

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Online political discourse, holocaust redpills and frogposting are the last bastion of /qa/ culture, factual statement. For more than 9 months since our beginning, we've been pushing back against ZOG and their pozzed operations to subvert Western civilization with degeneracy and depraved ideologies and likewise propaganda. We bravely fought against the weab mafia, we stood for freedom, we sanctified the White race. All the way back in 2020 after we fought off the weab mafioso sliding our threads, /qa/ was the only place where you could freely express right-wing thoughts without getting censored by ZOG and was the primary home to insightful political discussion, holocaust redpill generals and many self-improvement generals, all of this would be changed when a mob of tranny vermin started invading the board. It first started with soispamming parasites, none of which was needed on our board, an overwhelming amount of trannyhouspammers regrouped, and now bidenshills invaded. We all rallied together and instigated our duty to combat the foreign neo-colonist JIDF shill hegеmony plaguing our home. An effort was thoroughly achieved in order to salvage the board from the infestation of unwanted invaders and spammers by deploying redpills to shoo them away, it initially succeeded and were about to witness the captivating future of /qa/ until (((they))) started enacting frog genocide by churning out politically correct tranime alternatives as an attempt to replace the iconic Pepe stare image but it never caught on because none of us bit the JIDF's bait. This matter only got worse when a mossad agent infiltrated moderation and stickied tranny agenda while silencing anyone who dared speak out against it, a shareblue shill would go as far as to form their own pozzed honeypot altchan we all know today ( where they coordinate raids and attacks on patriotic and inherently right-wing online spaces, their main target was of course none other than our homebase since it sprang out from there during the kike invasion. Many of us eventually began to realize there's no coming back from this. "It's over" we thought. We bravely stood for what's left of our illusions and had developed a dynamic culture for our fellow free speech enthusiasts and MAGA loyals, and for what? To have a bunch of our insightful infographics and redpills buried and slid by neo-weab heathens? To have our entire catalog filled with worthless spam that have nothing to offer? To have our entire moderation team backstab us to appease the leftypol raiders infesting this board and bend to Biden and the corrupt Deep State? Absolute nonsense. We always remained vigilant in the hand that festers our retribution, surrounded by a horde of soyspammers, holoshitters, enbietrannies, bunkertrannies, some weab mafioso remnants, 2hutrannies, and leebaiting rodents. Our words have been heard and spoken, until the reign of terror was coming to an end as we all know it. For each of them working tirelessly to clog up the catalog with soijaks mocking Trump and the MAGA movement and low quality chino threads, sinking even lower than the average tranny-loving peasants who spammed poljaks in that period, contaminating our board in the process.

Since the opening of /qa2/, we've been keen on redpilling the masses and capturing the essence of what's about to unfold. Our infrastructure has been built upon our strength and prevailing over (((their))) stagnant forces, our facilities mean a lot to us. The kike mob are shrieking as (((they))) start running damage control ops to cover (((their))) tracks, because we know what (((they))) know, and what (((they)))'re trying to hide from the general public. As we go on a cruise ship to get a glimpse of what our priorities implicate for what's left for our humanity to recover, through the lens of Kek and power of Meme Magic, it's a testament to how cucked this world is when (((they))) were in charge, disseminating (((propaganda))), promoting depraved faggot ideologies, indoctrinating the youth about how evil our brave White men in charge are, contaminating the water supplies with suspicious, deadly chemical substances which caused the west to decline. No matter what our senses will be, it's always about dropping the redpills and realize what's happening behind the scenes. Our brave patriots have been taking back this land by hand from the leeches that try to corrupt it with their degeneracy, pledging allegiance to the flag, dropping holocaust redpills all at once to counter a certain shill attack on our board and giving the undesirables a taste of their own medicine, so far no kikespammers disrupting us in these dire times, as they're all instantly cockblocked by our powerful technology's, TrumpFlare's, sentient AI and they haven't recovered since the incident. (((They)))'ve been trying back and forth to find a workaround to bypass TrumpFlare, or even Trumpcha by paying 150 pajeets to solve the aforementioned captcha for (((them))) to instigate the shilling, to their surprise it was instantly negated and had their access revoked before any damage was done, this caused a lot of them to go berserk and start spamming our board with baseless copyright claims, none of which actually went anywhere, so eventually they gave up and BTFO'd to their own spinoff site where they coordinate attacks on online right-wing spaces. Eventually more than half the userbase of the spinoff lost interest and surrendered to freedom-loving Aryans and patriots alike, begging for us to have mercy, with the hand that feeds them behind their back, it seemed nothing of value was truly lost. We're asserting dominance on every other part of the internet and influencing western society with what Kek has for the table, whether it be dank memes, edgy bants, insightful knowledge, or witty jokes an average human mind can comprehend, all of it is the work of none other than Trump, Hitler, and Christ trying to win back western civilization from (((them))), so far it's succeeding with numerous normies no longer associating themselves with the faggot movement and calling for genocide on the kikes. We're accumulating more than 100,000 posters per day and even got famous right-wing celebrities on our side like Elon Musk, Sargon of Akkad, Alex Jones, just to name a few. An alarming amount of bаsed & redpilled posters have began to drain the swamp in name of Kek and are planning to host one of the biggest irl events to have ever graced the entire world since HWNDU. Many keks will be had and many kikes and trannies will commit suicide en masse. All for a land which we thrive on is incredible and most certainly is Kek's harem. With how sterilized kikes are, they're desperately trying to bring us down with their (((demoralization spam))) but deep down, they'll always lose with no progress made so far.

tl;dr /qa2/ won and it's making kikes dilate