


From Screamer Wiki

Revision as of 21:12, 4 June 2023 by HolySmokes22 (talk | contribs)

I am Damian S., I go by the username of "HolySmokes22" on YouTube. My mascot goes by "Smokey," named after the channel.

Ex-GoAnimator Ex-YouTuber Ex-Scratcher Ex-Barney Error Maker, Wanna-Be Obliterator of Eardrums All Around the World.

Since 2017, I have posted 500+ videos on the channel. The vast majority of which are loud and/or silly, absurd, or just down-right embarrassing for me to look back at.

As of August 2021, for some reason, I took a tiny little inconvenience from YouTube a bit too personal, and ultimately hid every last official upload on the channel.

(More info in description and replies in comments of this upload)

I've been a fan of screamer videos and loud videos since the early days of when I registered my own YouTube account and even before.

Keep in mind that this userpage may look significantly incomplete as I have to get used to it some more.


Official artwork for the latest HS22 logo; Made with Kleki (