Call of Duty Zombies Secret Screamers

Brief Overview
The Call of Duty franchise is a very popular series, spawning yearly games.
It is made by Treyarch, Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games and is available on all gaming platforms.
In 2008, with the release of Call of Duty: World at War, there was a secret game mode known as "Nazi Zombies" (following WaW, it's known only as zombies) after the player beats the campaign, and has become a staple in the franchise appearing in every single game since Advanced Warfare.
In more recent maps, developers have hidden secret screamers on a few of the maps as hidden easter eggs.
Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012)
Mob of the Dead
In the DLC map "Mob of the Dead", the player can come across a hidden screamer.
If the player has a sniper rifle and heads to the roof of the prison, where the plane is located, to the very far left, there are fireworks going off. If the player stands at the edge of the roof and zooms in with a sniper rifle, a sudden green face with a very loud high pitched scream will pop up on your screen.
This can only happen once and it will only happen to the player who zoomed in.
A second, unintentional jumpscare might occur with the maps' boss zombie "Brutus".
In Mob of the Dead, every few rounds a boss zombie will spawn to lock down perks for the players.
He will always give a hint to when he's arriving, as the player will hear the sound of a cell door closing, with an ominous sound before he suddenly appears, screaming with light omitting him.
If the player is standing close to one of his spawn points, there's a chance Brutus may spawn and scream right in front of the player, possibly startling them. This is more likely to happen while playing solo.
In the 4th DLC map "Origins" there exists another jumpscare easter egg, which is very similar to the one found in "Mob of the Dead"
If the player has a sniper rifle, and heads to the Pack-A-Punch area, and zooms into onto the church (right hand side of the Pack-A-Punch machine), a damaged skull will suddenly fill your screen and scream. The skull appears to be very damaged and has a reflection in one of the eyes.
This screamer can still be accessed on the Call of Duty Black Ops III DLC "Zombies Chronicles"
Call of Duty Black Ops III (2015)
Shadows of Evil
Very much like the "Origins" and "Mob of the Dead" jumpscares, this one requires the player to have a sniper rifle and to be near the boxing gym.
Equip the sniper and zoom into the cargo ship, a zombified version of Edward Richtofen (main character from previous maps) will suddenly pop up infront of your scope and play a loud high pitched scream.
Zetsubou No Shima
In Zetsubou No Shima, there's a screamer which will only occur while playing co-op and randomly too.
Occasionally, the player might see their teammate just standing still, or even scarier, the teammate will be right behind them, and their teammate will look like it's the real player, as they'll be the character they're playing as and their gamertag will be above them to lure the player into this trap.
If the player gets too close to this fake clone, the clone will grab them, a loud noise will play as the clone's eyes and mouth become bright red and scream, before exploding.
Call of Duty WWII (2017)
General Jumpscares
Unlike other zombies modes in the franchise, Call of Duty WWII relies rather heavily on jumpscares, with many of them happening in Nazi Zombies.
For example, the player might be running through a hallway, only to have a zombie suddenly jump down with a loud scare chord. Unlike previous games, this will happen multiple times.
However, in the games' base map "The Final Reich", the player can activate a jumpscare of their own very early on into the game.
If the player looks down a manhole near one of the valves, (before they're activated) a zombie will jump up with a loud scare chord, before he lets go and runs away.
Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII (2018)
In the fourth installment of the Black Ops saga, Treyarch bought back some screamers in the zombies game mode again.
Blood of the Dead
In one of the games' base maps, "Blood of the Dead", the player can activate a jumpscare of the Shadowman from Black Ops III by doing the following:
Equipping a sniper rifle and heading down the catwalk, however once off the catwalk, near the Swordfish weapon buy, they must aim down the scope and if you look in the right direction, the player's screen will suddenly be filled with a tentacled version of the shadowman's face up close on the screen, with a loud scream effect.
In the Black Ops pass exclusive map "Classified", the player can encounter a parody jumpscare based off the "Last Gen Richtofen" meme. This meme comes from the incredibly low quality model of character Edward Richtofen from the Xbox 360/PS3 versions of Black Ops III.
In order to do this, the player needs a sniper (again) where the player needs to zoom in on a flashing light outside "Groom Lake". This parody screamer uses a sting sound effect from Black Ops 1's campaign mission "U.S.D.D" where protagonist Alex Mason halluncinates about shooting former President John F. Kennedy.
Dead of the Night
In the first DLC map "Dead of the Night" the player can encounter a very unique screamer.
For once, this doesn't need a sniper rifle. (Finally!)
In the "wine cellar", there is a bright blue glowing crystal on a table, if the player approaches this and interacts with it, they'll begin to teleport, to lure the player into a false sense of security as previous maps used teleportation to get across the maps quickly. However, sometimes when using this NOTHING will happen, other times, a screamer will occur.
When teleporting, there is a chance a portrait of a calm young woman appears, however a few seconds later it will turn demonic and fly at the camera screaming.
Alpha Omega
The 3rd DLC revisits Nuketown and much like the previous screamer easter eggs, the player needs another sniper rifle.
Go to the green house, and go to the balcony on the top floor. Stand near the stairs and scope around in the surrounding desert. A bloody skull with electricity emitting from it will suddenly fill your screen and scream for a second before fading away.
NOTE: The following links contains screamers!
- Mob of the Dead: (Appears at 0:12)
- Origins: (Appears at 0:10)
- Shadows of Evil: (Appears at 0:10)
- Zetsubou No Shima: (Appears at 1:26)
- All CoD Jumpscares in a single video: (Outdated, from Black Ops 2 - Black Ops 4)
- Black Ops 4: Classified/Blood of the Dead jumpscares:
- Dead of the Night: portrait/teleport screamer:
- Alpha Omega: (Appears at 0:10)