
ВИD in Underwater

From Screamer Wiki

Revision as of 16:27, 25 June 2023 by Tankmanfan44 (talk | contribs)

This page is about a screamer that is partially lost.
If you have more information about this screamer, please add it to the page or in the comments.

ВИD in Underwater was a screamer video uploaded to YouTube by BND on April 20, 2019.

As the title suggests, the majority of the video focuses on the BND Logo but in an underwater setting. The video first shows a ball falling down, then it explodes, revealing the BND logo. This goes on for a few seconds until a picture of the BND logo with no eyes appears along with door breaking sounds. There are also some effects such as particles and filters added to it.


NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!


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