Online Pregnancy Test

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Online Pregnancy Test was a Flash game in Liquid Generation's long line of Sabotage pranks.

The game begins with a splash screen reading "Are you pregnant? Is your partner pregnant? Let's find out! Take our online pregnancy test and you'll know whether or not you're pregnant in less than five minutes. It's safe, effective, and proven to be at least 98% accurate. What are you waiting for?". Upon clicking the continue button, the game asks for the player's age, height, weight, and various pregnancy related questions such as ones regarding their health.

After submitting all answers, the game asks the player to place their hands on their belly and breathe in and out for thirty seconds as it pretends to calculate the score. In the middle of the calculation, the screen cuts to a green, stitched up baby against a hellish background screeching loudly. Afterwards, the normal Liquid Generation Sabotage jingle and ninja occur.


NOTE: The following video contains a screamer!

  • Showcase Video:



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