Environmental Investigation Agency - Tigers

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Tigers, is the name of the British public information film shown before presented the ad is from the charity of Enviromental Investigation Agency, known as "EIA". This ad is taken from India, it has to take up into a break notch.

The ad starts with a tiger getting locked from the box where the magician holding 5 swords to attack an animal which hear the tiger roaring and yowling, which has blood and gore dropping bottom the box. the magician is opened the box, there some lots of blood stains on the box. the ad ends up with this message: "Tell the Indian Goverment you don't want the tiger to disappear" the ad ends with it's frustrating charity of this PSA.

This is how an gory PIF from 1996 explains the Indian Government are taking the extreme measures of protecting tigers on their national symbol from the extinction.


NOTE: The following video contains extremely graphic content!

  • youtube.com/watch?v=cKYWPNrj7w8