Screamer Wiki:Rules

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REMEMBER: Always follow the rules. If you violate any of the rules, you will get banned from the wiki!

How to create/edit a page

The page name must always be the name of the screamer site if it is possible! (without www. or http://)

  • Do not create unrelated or spam pages. Please use either the forum, the chat, or your user blog to communicate with other users.
  • Never use any scary images or clickable links directly to the screamer page. You are allowed to use un-clickable links
  • Do not give any false information, but only facts. 
  • Use correct grammar and spelling, write in English. (if this rule is violated, your account won't get banned) 
  • You are allowed to make pages about shock sites, but remember to add the category Shock sites

Good practices

  • Delete any scary images, videos or clickable links that go directly to the screamer page and replace them with un-clickable links.
  • If you see someone violating any of the rules, tell them by using this template and fix the page.
  • If you see someone vandalizing the wiki, fix the page and contact an admin.
  • If you see any grammatical or spelling mistakes, correct them.
  • If you see any false information, correct it.

How to use categories

There are a lot of categories on this wiki and new ones are constantly being added.

Each screamer page needs a category for TYPE and one for CONTENT.

Type categories

  • Animations - add this category if the screamer is an animation (includes Flash).
  • Clips - add this category if the screamer is a video (found on any site).
  • Games - add this category if the screamer is a game.
  • Shock sites - add this category if the screamer is a website containing a disturbing image.
  • Websites - add this category if the screamer is a link or webpage that contains an instant jumpscare.

If your page does not fit into ANY of these categories please contact an admin or HLDK.

Content categories

  • Exorcist - add this category if the page is about a screamer containing the Exorcist.
  • Jeff the Killer - add this category if the page is about a screamer containing Jeff the Killer.
  • Winterrowd - add this category if the screamer us made by Jeremy WInterrowd.
  • Scary Face - add this category if the page is about a screamer containing a scary face. Only add this if no other content category can be added.

If your page does not fit into ANY of these categories please contact an admin or HLDK.

Other categories

  • Closed screamers - add this category if the page is about a closed screamer that does not exist anymore. Please add this HTML code at the top of the page source in any of these pages:  <font color="red">This page is about a Closed Screamer!</font>.
  • Nice Article - awarded to nice articles. (only admins and moderators are allowed to add this category)
  • NSFW - add this category if the page is about a screamer containing 18+ content.
  • Screamer List - a list of screamers in one page. These articles should not exist. If you find one please try separating the screamers into multiple pages.
  • Virus - add this category if the page may contain a virus.
  • Work in progress - add this category if the page is incomplete, needs more information, or has to be reworked.

Templates and examples

  • Here is an example of good page.
  • If you see someone breaking the rules please tell them in the comments. You can use this template:

[Name inserted here],

Read the Rules before editing:

You violated rule number [insert # here]:

[insert rule here from rules page]

[say what is going to be removed]. Thanks for contributing though. -[name here]

Template made by Kianlolcat99

Chat Rules

  • Do not be mean to each other.
  • Don't spam.
  • Do not threaten each other.
  • Limit swearing. (don't try to swear however)
  • You are able to talk about anything you want.

Moderator guide

You can find out what to do with rule violators and how to become a moderator with the moderator guide.


Thank you for following the rules!