
Tails Saves Mobius.exe

From Screamer Wiki

Revision as of 11:24, 26 November 2022 by Tankmanfan44 (talk | contribs) (→‎Link)

Tails Save Mobius is a screamer game built with Clickteam Fusion, by a user MidnightDragon on July 30, 2013.

The end portion.

The game starts with a main menu with tails and a title, and a play button, Once the player clicks the button, the gameplay starts where the player controls Tails with the use of arrow keys to move and spacebar to jump across the platforms, there are rings placed everywhere, which increases 10 points on the score once collected, However, the game has nothing to do with Tails saving the Mobius.

Once the player reaches its end, a picture of Tails with black eyes and red pupils appears along with a incredibly, loud scream, followed by screeching, the red, bloody text then appears on the screen: "WANNA TRY AGAIN?", which might be the end portion of the game, with music playing in the background.


NOTE: The following game contains a screamer!



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