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The text "GNAA > j00<ref>The spelling for "you" in [[wikipedia:Leet|leetspeak]].</ref> fristage postage<ref>"fristage postage" is a reference to [[wikipedia:First_post|first post]], an Internet meme written by an internet user to indicate their discovery of an until-then uncommented entry.</ref> is mine" appeared at the top of the page. Below was the text "Lastmeasure last measure last-measure nero institute", which may have been an attempt to get the page listed under [[wikipedia:Google_Search|Google]]. The title of the page was "Our lawyer has informed us that we need a warning. So, if you are under the age of 18 or find this offensive, pleae [sic]<ref>This typo is corrected in later versions. </ref> leave immediately", which is a reference to the text on the front page of [[]]. If the user pressed Alt+F4, the Ctrl key, or the Del key, the page displayed an alert containing the same text as the page title.
The text "GNAA > j00<ref>The spelling for "you" in [[wikipedia:Leet|leetspeak]].</ref> fristage postage<ref>"fristage postage" is a reference to [[wikipedia:First_post|first post]], an Internet meme written by an internet user to indicate their discovery of an until-then uncommented entry.</ref> is mine" appeared at the top of the page. Below was the text "Lastmeasure last measure last-measure nero institute", which may have been an attempt to get the page listed under [[wikipedia:Google_Search|Google]]. The title of the page was "Our lawyer has informed us that we need a warning. So, if you are under the age of 18 or find this offensive, pleae [sic]<ref>This typo is corrected in later versions. </ref> leave immediately", which is a reference to the text on the front page of [[]]. If the user pressed Alt+F4, the Ctrl key, or the Del key, the page displayed an alert containing the same text as the page title.

The page also had a button with the text "CLICK ME", which utilized the onmouseover<ref>Occurs when the cursor enters an element.</ref> and onclick<ref>Occurs when the user clicks on an element.</ref> events to call on the procreate and playBall functions to spawn more windows. If the user attempted to close any windows, the page utilized the onunload<ref>Occurs when the user navigates away from the page, such as by clicking a link or closing the browser window.</ref> event to spawn even more.  
The page also had a button with the text "CLICK ME", which utilized the onmouseover<ref name=":7">Occurs when the cursor enters an element.</ref> and onclick<ref name=":8">Occurs when the user clicks on an element.</ref> events to call on the procreate and playBall functions to spawn more windows. If the user attempted to close any windows, the page utilized the onunload<ref name=":9">Occurs when the user navigates away from the page, such as by clicking a link or closing the browser window.</ref> event to spawn even more.  

Last Measure additionally checked if the browser was [[wikipedia:Internet_Explorer|Microsoft Internet Explorer]], and if the version of Internet Explorer was greater than or equal to 4. If both conditions were met, it saved the page URL as a bookmark titled “Idiot!”.
Last Measure additionally checked if the browser was [[wikipedia:Internet_Explorer|Microsoft Internet Explorer]], and if the version of Internet Explorer was greater than or equal to 4. If both conditions were met, it saved the page URL as a bookmark titled “Idiot!”.

==Version 3.4.1==
==Version 3.4.1==
Last Measure Version 3.4.1 introduced several developments not found in the original mirror. The complete image list was christmas.jpg,<ref name=":2">A picture of a person stretching her anus to [[Goatse]] proportions with a table clamp.</ref> [[Lemon Party|lemonparty.jpg]], [[|ouch.jpg]],<ref>The image is called ouch.jpg. but the [[wikipedia:PHP|PHP]] file is called penisbird.php.</ref> [[Pillowfight|pillowfight.jpg]], [[Tubgirl|tubgirl.jpg]], [[spin.gif]], freak.jpg,<ref name=":3">A picture of a naked female body builder.</ref> rustina.jpg,<ref name=":4">A picture depicting Rusty's wife (rusty of [[wikipedia:Kuro5hin|Kuro5hin]], a popular [[wikipedia:Slashdot|Slashdot]]-like site). Her face is photoshopped onto a picture of a naked white woman having sex with a black man with a large penis.</ref> loopback.jpg,<ref name=":5">A picture of a man looping his penis into his anus from [[]].</ref> and eww.jpg.<ref>A picture of a young girl, with two naked people in the background, with one of them exposing his buttocks. The text "The Fuck What?!" in red is visible, with the man's naked buttocks circled in red.</ref> Instead of embedding an [[wikipedia:MP3|MP3]] to play the "HEY EVERYBODY, I'M LOOKING AT GAY PORNO!" audio sample, it embedded a [[Adobe Flash Player|Flash]] file called hey.swf.  
Last Measure Version 3.4.1 introduced several developments not found in the original mirror. The complete image list was christmas.jpg,<ref name=":2">A picture of a person stretching her anus to [[Goatse]] proportions with a table clamp.</ref> [[Lemon Party|lemonparty.jpg]], [[|ouch.jpg]],<ref>The image is called ouch.jpg. but the [[wikipedia:PHP|PHP]] file is called penisbird.php.</ref> [[Pillowfight|pillowfight.jpg]], [[Tubgirl|tubgirl.jpg]], [[spin.gif]], freak.jpg,<ref name=":3">A picture of a naked female body builder.</ref> rustina.jpg,<ref name=":4">A picture depicting Rusty's wife's face photoshopped onto a picture of a naked white woman having sex with a black man. Rusty was the creator of [[wikipedia:Kuro5hin|Kuro5hin]], a popular [[wikipedia:Slashdot|Slashdot]]-like site.</ref> loopback.jpg,<ref name=":5">A picture of a man looping his penis into his anus from [[]].</ref> and eww.jpg.<ref>A picture of a young girl, with two naked people in the background, with one of them exposing his buttocks. The text "The Fuck What?!" in red is visible, with the man's naked buttocks circled in red.</ref> Instead of embedding an [[wikipedia:MP3|MP3]] to play the "HEY EVERYBODY, I'M LOOKING AT GAY PORNO!" audio sample, it embedded a [[Adobe Flash Player|Flash]] file called hey.swf.  

The title of the page was "Our lawyer has informed us that we need a warning. So, if you are under the age of 18 or find this offensive, please leave immediately" and pressing Alt+F4 or the Ctrl key spawned an alert message with the same text. However, if the user pressed the Del key, it spawned an alert message containing credits:
The title of the page was "Our lawyer has informed us that we need a warning. So, if you are under the age of 18 or find this offensive, please leave immediately" and pressing Alt+F4 or the Ctrl key spawned an alert message with the same text. However, if the user pressed the Del key, it spawned an alert message containing credits:
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The procreate function in Version 3.4.1 served the same purpose of opening windows, but it only opened windows if the browser was Internet Explorer and randomly selected which shock image to display in the new window. The playBall function in Version 3.4.1 was largely unchanged, except that it lacked an [[wikipedia:Conditional_(computer_programming)|if statement]] found in the original mirror.  
The procreate function in Version 3.4.1 served the same purpose of opening windows, but it only opened windows if the browser was Internet Explorer and randomly selected which shock image to display in the new window. The playBall function in Version 3.4.1 was largely unchanged, except that it lacked an [[wikipedia:Conditional_(computer_programming)|if statement]] found in the original mirror.  

The page utilized the onfocus,<ref>Occurs when an element gets focus.</ref> onblur,<ref>Occurs when an element loses focus.</ref> onmousemove,<ref>Occurs when the cursor moves over an element.</ref> onload,<ref>Occurs when an object has been loaded.</ref> onkeydown,<ref>Occurs when the user presses a key on the keyboard.</ref> and onunload events to open procreator.php in modeless dialog boxes.<ref>Modeless dialog boxes permit the user to interact with it while still being able to interact with other parts of the webpage or application, meaning that the user can move it around, click on other buttons or links, or perform other actions simultaneously. Modeless dialog boxes are unlike modal dialog boxes, which requires users to interact with it before they can continue interacting with other parts of the webpage or application.</ref> The page also had a large button labeled CLICK ME with pooped.jpg as the background, which made use of the onmouseover, onclick, and onmouseout<ref>Occurs when the mouse pointer moves out of an element.</ref> events to launch modeless dialog boxes containing procreator.php.  
The page utilized the onfocus,<ref>Occurs when an element gets focus.</ref> onblur,<ref>Occurs when an element loses focus.</ref> onmousemove,<ref name=":10">Occurs when the cursor moves over an element.</ref> onload,<ref name=":11">Occurs when an object has been loaded.</ref> onkeydown,<ref name=":12">Occurs when the user presses a key on the keyboard.</ref> and onunload<ref name=":9" /> events to open procreator.php in modeless dialog boxes.<ref>Modeless dialog boxes permit the user to interact with it while still being able to interact with other parts of the webpage or application, meaning that the user can move it around, click on other buttons or links, or perform other actions simultaneously. Modeless dialog boxes are unlike modal dialog boxes, which requires users to interact with it before they can continue interacting with other parts of the webpage or application.</ref> The page also had a large button labeled CLICK ME with pooped.jpg as the background, which made use of the onmouseover,<ref name=":7" /> onclick,<ref name=":8" /> and onmouseout<ref>Occurs when the mouse pointer moves out of an element.</ref> events to launch modeless dialog boxes containing procreator.php.  

Procreator.php executed the same payloads as the main page: spawning the alert and credits messages when specific keys are pressed, the browser and operating system checking protocol, and the procreate and playBall functions. The procreator.php file also contained the following text in first-level header tags: <pre>
Procreator.php executed the same payloads as the main page: spawning the alert and credits messages when specific keys are pressed, the browser and operating system checking protocol, and the procreate and playBall functions. The procreator.php file also contained the following text in first-level header tags: <pre>
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Updated by sam, Jmax, JacksonBrown, Dessimat0r, timecop, and others.
Updated by sam, Jmax, JacksonBrown, Dessimat0r, timecop, and others.
</pre>The full shock image list was [[|penisbird.gif]], [[The Pain Series#Additional Images|awesome.jpg]], [[hello.jpg]], [[Hai2u|hotblowjob.jpg]], zoidberg.jpg,<ref>[[]]'s "Motorcycle" image, which is likely a photo of an attempted shotgun suicide.</ref> [[Tubgirl|tubgirl.jpg]], [[Harlequin Fetus|harlequin1.jpg]], [[The Pain Series#Images Featured|Pain2.jpg]], [[Harlequin Fetus|harlequin2.jpg]], [[The Pain Series#Images Featured|Pain3.jpg]], [[Harlequin Fetus|harlequin3.jpg]], [[The Pain Series#Images Featured|Pain4.jpg]], [[The Pain Series#Images Featured|Pain5.jpg]], stretch.jpg,<ref>An image of a person stretching their anus, similar to [[Goatse]].</ref> stopracism.jpg,<ref>An image of a white man and a black man engaging in anal sex.</ref> rustina.jpg,<ref name=":4" /> pooped.jpg,<ref name=":1" /> [[The Pain Series#Images Featured|Pain.jpg]], freak.jpg,<ref name=":3" /> [[The Pain Series#Additional Images|Untitled.jpg]], [[Pillowfight|pillowfight.jpg]], loopback.jpg,<ref name=":5" /> [[Lemon Party|lemonparty.jpg]], christmas.jpg,<ref name=":2" /> weightlifter.jpg,<ref>[[]]'s "Weightlifter" image, which depicts a man squatting with a rectal prolapse.</ref> and [[spin.gif]]. Similar to versions 3.4.1 and 4.1, it embedded hey.swf to play the "HEY EVERYBODY, I'M LOOKING AT GAY PORNO!" sample. The image list also included 16 [[wikipedia:WAV|WAV]] files of various GNAA members reciting "HEY EVERYBODY, I'M LOOKING AT GAY PORNO!".[[File:UnifiedX Stats.png|thumb|The stats table generated by Unified X.]]The movew0w function returned in Unified X, but the shellscript function was renamed back to procreate. Windows spawned by procreate contained the text "GNAA Gay Niggers Timecop". The main page utilized the onload, onmousemove, onmouseover, and onkeydown events to call on the procreate and movew0w functions. If the user attempted to close any windows, the page would utilize the onunload event to call upon those same functions.
</pre>The full shock image list was [[|penisbird.gif]], [[The Pain Series#Additional Images|awesome.jpg]], [[hello.jpg]], [[Hai2u|hotblowjob.jpg]], zoidberg.jpg,<ref>[[]]'s "Motorcycle" image, which is likely a photo of an attempted shotgun suicide.</ref> [[Tubgirl|tubgirl.jpg]], [[Harlequin Fetus|harlequin1.jpg]], [[The Pain Series#Images Featured|Pain2.jpg]], [[Harlequin Fetus|harlequin2.jpg]], [[The Pain Series#Images Featured|Pain3.jpg]], [[Harlequin Fetus|harlequin3.jpg]], [[The Pain Series#Images Featured|Pain4.jpg]], [[The Pain Series#Images Featured|Pain5.jpg]], stretch.jpg,<ref>An image of a person stretching their anus, similar to [[Goatse]].</ref> stopracism.jpg,<ref>An image of a white man and a black man engaging in anal sex.</ref> rustina.jpg,<ref name=":4" /> pooped.jpg,<ref name=":1" /> [[The Pain Series#Images Featured|Pain.jpg]], freak.jpg,<ref name=":3" /> [[The Pain Series#Additional Images|Untitled.jpg]], [[Pillowfight|pillowfight.jpg]], loopback.jpg,<ref name=":5" /> [[Lemon Party|lemonparty.jpg]], christmas.jpg,<ref name=":2" /> weightlifter.jpg,<ref>[[]]'s "Weightlifter" image, which depicts a man squatting with a rectal prolapse.</ref> and [[spin.gif]]. Similar to versions 3.4.1 and 4.1, it embedded hey.swf to play the "HEY EVERYBODY, I'M LOOKING AT GAY PORNO!" sample. The image list also included 16 [[wikipedia:WAV|WAV]] files of various GNAA members reciting "HEY EVERYBODY, I'M LOOKING AT GAY PORNO!".[[File:UnifiedX Stats.png|thumb|The stats table generated by Unified X.]]The movew0w function returned in Unified X, but the shellscript function was renamed back to procreate. Windows spawned by procreate contained the text "GNAA Gay Niggers Timecop". The main page utilized the onload,<ref name=":11" /> onmousemove,<ref name=":10" /> onmouseover,<ref name=":7" /> and onkeydown<ref name=":12" /> events to call on the procreate and movew0w functions. If the user attempted to close any windows, the page would utilize the onunload event to call upon those same functions.
Unified X introduced a function named ruin which calls an [[wikipedia:Infinite_loop|infinite loop]] in an attempt to freeze the browser. It also made various outbound connections. The site attempted to connect to the GNAA and [[wikipedia:EFnet|EFnet]] [[wikipedia:Internet_Relay_Chat|IRC]] servers, attempted to access the alt.flame.niggers and alt.flame.faggots [[wikipedia:Usenet_newsgroup|Usenet newsgroups]], and used rlogin and telnet<ref>rlogin and telnet are remote login protocols used to establish a login session on a remote computer over a network. telnet allows the user to pass [[wikipedia:Environment_variable|environment variables]] as parameters, while rlogin does not. rlogin allows the user to automatically connect, while telnet requires verification for each connection. Both rlogin and telnet transmit data in [[wikipedia:Plain_text|plain text]], making intercepted information easily readable. Due to security vulnerabilities and the availability of more secure protocols, rlogin and telnet are no longer widely used in modern networking environments.</ref> to attempt to connect to a remote address. It also contained a callto hyperlink to dial JOIN_THE_GNAA__2005_RECRUITMENT_DRIVE, and opened up the computer’s default [[wikipedia:Email_client|email client]] to compose a message to the email address JOIN@THE.GNAA with "2006_RECRUITMENT_DRIVE" as the subject and "" as the body.
Unified X introduced a function named ruin which calls an [[wikipedia:Infinite_loop|infinite loop]] in an attempt to freeze the browser. It also made various outbound connections. The site attempted to connect to the GNAA and [[wikipedia:EFnet|EFnet]] [[wikipedia:Internet_Relay_Chat|IRC]] servers, attempted to access the alt.flame.niggers and alt.flame.faggots [[wikipedia:Usenet_newsgroup|Usenet newsgroups]], and used rlogin and telnet<ref>rlogin and telnet are remote login protocols used to establish a login session on a remote computer over a network. telnet allows the user to pass [[wikipedia:Environment_variable|environment variables]] as parameters, while rlogin does not. rlogin allows the user to automatically connect, while telnet requires verification for each connection. Both rlogin and telnet transmit data in [[wikipedia:Plain_text|plain text]], making intercepted information easily readable. Due to security vulnerabilities and the availability of more secure protocols, rlogin and telnet are no longer widely used in modern networking environments.</ref> to attempt to connect to a remote address. It also contained a callto hyperlink to dial JOIN_THE_GNAA__2005_RECRUITMENT_DRIVE, and opened up the computer’s default [[wikipedia:Email_client|email client]] to compose a message to the email address JOIN@THE.GNAA with "2006_RECRUITMENT_DRIVE" as the subject and "" as the body.

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