

User:Lawiki/My List of Domain Registrars

From Screamer Wiki

Revision as of 12:09, 9 August 2023 by Lawiki (talk | contribs)

I'll eventually make this into a guide on making screamer websites. This is kind of a recommendation table for domain registrars.

Caption text
Registrar Information Review Would recommend
Namecheap A very popular domain registrar, known for cheap prices. I've used namecheap for some domains in the past, and while their prices are cheap, I wouldn't use them as my daily driver. Y
GoDaddy Another very popular domain registrar, possibly the most popular one. Known for its (formerly) fun marketing. Was a daily driver a very long time ago for me. Y
CloudFlare A company that is known for their DDoS mitigation services and resiliency. Also sells domains at-cost. Seeing that CloudFlare does not charge anything extra at all, and therefore has the best prices in the industry, and is easily packaged with their other services. If you are using CloudFlare already, I would recommend it. Y (if using cloudflare)
Porkbun An American-based domain registrar. Known for cheap prices and a fun pig themed website. Their parent company, Top Level Design, owns the .wiki extension. I use them as my main registrar for domains and websites. They're fun, have good service, and are very well liked. Y
Epik An American-based domain registrar that was formerly known for selling domains at extremely low prices and also providing large amounts of other free features. Was in a data breach, in which all personal information of all epik customers was compromised (allegedly for platforming far-right websites). Also is currently undergoing financial hardship due to not paying back debtors. Was generally considered one of the best out there, now considered one of the worst. Epik always had some of the best user portals around, as well as having a built-in store to sell your websites and also a very, very nice management portal. Not to mention how cheap domains used to be. Nowadays, all of that is gone. A domain that you could register on porkbun for 1 dollar could be 35 dollars on epik. Especially with a possible bankruptcy (and with them getting new leadership every few months), don't use epik. They've also blocked us from using certain subdomains in the past. N
Dynadot Another domain registrar. They'll drop you very easily and won't give you any time to move. Don't use them. N
Google Domains A domain registrar owned by Google. Not much else to say. Is being acquired by squarespace. Google domains is ripping you off. I've used them before and they're not good. N Another American domain registrar. Not much else to say for this one either. is one of the few registrars that charges you to use domain privacy. I do like that, when I used them, they provided free hosting for a small website, however. The privacy issue is pretty huge and it's not hard to find free hosting elsewhere. Also not too cheap either. N A domain registrar that is named after WHOIS searches. I used them a very long time ago. I don't know too much about them, but their service also does not appear to be cheap in comparison to the others. N A Netherlands-based domain registrar that was known to offer free domains such as .ga or .cx ( used it). Was mainly targeted to an African market, or other places where internet was emerging. A very great registrar for someone that doesn't want to pay for a domain. Unfortunately, they seem to be shut down, so I cannot recommend them at the current moment, unfortunately. N (unless they come back)