dancing_swede.mp4 is a bait-and switch shock video that was spammed onto the imageboard website soyjak.party on January 26, 2022. The video was theorized to have been created by a Discord user named Goth.
The video shows an edited video of swedejak dancing to Super Mario World music. After a few seconds, however, the video cuts to a video of a child being violently anal-raped, possibly Daisy's Destruction. The .mp4 video file is 2.11 mb. [1] A .webm version also exists which is 2.12 mb.[2]

After the upload of this video, anons attempted to find out who made the video. All roads eventually lead to goth#8929, who said that they uploaded the video because it is "fun to spam cp" and in retaliation for Soot, the admin of soyjak.party, refusing to sell the website to Yuri Kuznetsov (Kuz), owner of VidLii and KolymaNET.[3] Kuz did end up purchasing soyjak.party on July 16, 2022.
Users attempted to get more information about Goth in order to report that user to authorities, however, they have not been successful in doing so.
Unedited video (safe): https://web.archive.org/web/20220205215625/https://soyjak.party/soy/src/1644089987979.mp4