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Welcome to Screamer Wiki
Documenting since November 11, 2013.
2,106 articles     158,666 edits     6,267 files

Our famous front page banner, designed by TabbyGarf.

Welcome to Screamer Wiki

Documenting since November 11, 2013.

2,106 articles     158,666 edits     6,267 files


Welcome to Screamer Wiki. This is the number one place to learn about topics relating to screamers, shock sites, creepypastas and urban legends, hoaxes, malware and malicious scripts, lost media, controversies, true crime, mysteries, social media incidents, and anything in between. Here, you will have access to the Screamer Library, the largest index entirely dedicated to screamers and shock sites. You can find the origin and story behind every screamer ever made, like the famous Scary Maze Game, the K-fee commercials, and a whole lot more. Our library contains 2,106 pages and counting!

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Lost Vib-Ribbon Screamer (2012 Archive) is a screamer video uploaded to YouTube by TopHatUnited (also known as TheEpikShyGuy on the wiki) on January 1st, 2025. The video is a sequel of another one of TopHatUnited’s screamers called ‘Lost Klonoa Screamer (2011 Archived Footage)’. Both videos are parodies of Super Mario 64 Big Star Secret.

The video starts off with a screen recording of the video with the 2012 YouTube layout. The person who ‘made’ this video was a user called ‘FizzSplizz’. The screen depicts a poorly recorded Vib-Ribbon disc select and game menu screens with a yellowish tint meanwhile Space and Time by 009 Sound System plays. Later, text would appear that was made in Windows Movie Maker reading “now after completing all 3 main courses”, “just copy what i do and then you will unlock the hidden diamond course”. Then, it cuts back to the disc select menu, and then the ‘Insert vib-ribbon disk’ screen. After a few seconds, it would suddenly cut to the same face from What's Wrong With This Picture? flashing with the same scream from the K-fee commercials, but stuttery. Then, it would cut to text moving up the screen reading “rofl I got u” with the credits also with World 2-2 playing from the 1995 PlayStation game, Jumping Flash!.

Bringing back the golden era...

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If you need help getting started, do not worry. There are plenty of helpful articles and guides available on the Help Portal. You can help by creating new articles, adding information to pages, or fixing stubs and cleanup pages. If you're not sure what to edit, you can click Random page under Navigation on the side of the page and help fix information/grammar on any random page. If you want, you can also refer to the Quick Links section at the top to know where to start.

To add a new page, search for the name of the page you want to make in the search bar; if the page does not already exist, there will be a prompt allowing you to create the page. Give the page the same name as the screamer, for example You are now ready to write your page!

You can also help Screamer Wiki by saving already existing screamers, shock sites, and videos to the Internet Archive ( If a screamer or shock site gets deleted, banned, or removed, then it can still be viewed on the Wayback Machine.

If you want to open flash files after the shutdown, use Ruffle.


R.I.P Felix Wiesner (Wiesi), 1977-2023, the creator of Castle Cat.
  • The Screamer Wiki turns 11 years old!
  • The Internet Archive suffers a massive data breach and DDoS attack, showing that you should personally archive content you want to keep safe.
  • The Exorcist turns 50 years old.
  • Felix Wiesner (Wiesi), The creator of Castle Cat passes away on November 16, 2023. (1977-2023)
  • The Screamer Wiki Discord server hits 1,000 members.
  • A lost South Korean screamer Ghost.exe (pictured) was found.
  • The man behind the 1 Bitch 9 Pups was revealed to be Australian zoologist Adam Britton.
  • An unofficial revival of trolling organization GNAA has created their own version of
  • returns.
  • BlueMaxima retires from working on his program Flashpoint. Flashpoint is still being maintained by others.
  • The location for K-fee auto was found by @georainbolt on Twitter.
  • Screamer Wiki passes the milestone of 2,000 pages!

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