
Video0 20

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Revision as of 22:47, 24 July 2023 by Carsonlee0205 (talk | contribs)

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Content Warning!
The following work contains content and material that some may find shocking. Reader discretion is advised.

This page is about a partially lost shock video.
If you have more information about this video, please add it to the page or in the comments.

video0 20 is a bait and switch shock video uploaded to YouTube by TheRedBaconHair on an unknown date. The original video’s whereabouts is unknown (most likely deleted), but the video gained so much attraction when live-streamer Bill Jensen who got the video threw video donation and how he reacted to it.

The video itself starts off with an Arab man with a big moustache with the song, Allah Subhan Allah playing, suddenly after 3-4 seconds, the video would suddenly cut to a man (Big Eddie) with a overly large penis swinging it left and right with the theme song to Yo Mama playing. The original video is lost, but reactions from Bill Jensen with the video censored can be found online.


Bill Jensen’s reaction videos



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