
Ghost in The Back Room Caught on Tape

From Screamer Wiki

Revision as of 07:26, 21 December 2020 by JrMPaaLABoLrQoyU (talk | contribs)

Ghost in The Back Room Caught on Tape is a screamer video that appears to be an early version of the Demonic Ghost Caught on Tape (Circa. 2005) by Finder Lurker, and made even by them as well released on June 9, 2020, This appears to be a screamer, and an early version of the "Demonic Ghost Caught on Tape" video series on the same Finder Lurker channel. This time it's slightly lesser in quality.

It starts out with a dark hallway with the end room being the only thing that is lit in this scene, then pretty soon strange and scary things start happening such as scary heads poking out from around the corner looking at the camera, a floating dark figure in the middle of the hallway, hands falling, hands coming out from both sides of the room, along with whispering at the same time., Then eventually all of the other hands disappear as the whispering got louder and then stopped, and then it shows one last hand that attempts to get a hold of the door to close it, but then a demon with empty eyes and a large mouth jumps up in front of the camera and screams loudly.


NOTE: The following videos contain screamers.



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